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Ive decided to slim down....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChevyNovaSS, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    I think its time i slim down, im not that fat i just have a belly larger than i want (and i think im getting moobs :-[ ) I want to lose 10-15 pounds over the summer. I dont eat that unheathly and i have no workout equipment. I also dont have transportation so a gym is a no-go. Can anyone reccomend a exersize plan that starts of easy and ramps up to a decent workout to remove this belly? If it helps im 16, 5.4 feet tall and 165 pounds.
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Go outside and walk/run

    stay hydrated
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    If you only want to lose 15 lbs and have the whole summer, then remove any non-water drinks from your diet. That's any non-water, including sports drinks, diet/sugar free soft drinks and even juices and coffee. Those are all just added calories. Drink only water.

    The idea that fruit juice is healthy for you is not that accurate. Sure, it's got the vitamins, etc. But it's not as healthy as eating actual fruit. Juices are just concentrated calories from the fruit with none of the fiber and other stuff which fills you up. The main reason fruits and vegetables are good for a diet is because they have low calories for their mass. Juice defeats this by removing the mass and keeping the calories. So while not "bad" for you, people tend to think of it as "very good" and drink a lot of them.

    Other than that, remember when eating, do not eat to become full. Eat just so you aren't hungry anymore. That will help you reduce calorie intake, even if the food is healthy food. You can likely cut out complete servings of meals by doing that.

    (Of course, I'm 6'0" 260lbs... but I don't follow my own advice.)
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I would recommend not eating as much as you may do.

    Watch what you eat one day. Then, just don't eat as much.

    Stop eating snacks in between meals and don't drink any type of soda or other sugary drinks.
    Start eating more filling foods, like whole grain breads and other things of that sort.

    I would recommend just doing sit-ups and push-ups and anything really.

    You don't need a gym. :p
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    "Snacking" is not bad as long as you do it smartly. It can be a good way to make sure you don't eat large amounts of food at any one time. If I remember, there is a limit to the amount of calories your body can carry in the blood, and after that your body will start storing that. I think it's something like 500 calories? (probably wrong, but maybe close). By eating large meals at a few times you force your body to store the energy. (Which means Fat). You also, after years and years of doing it, can result in Diabetes-type problems with your body getting used to constantly using large amounts of insulin to take care of the excess blood sugar.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Wow. I did not know that at all.

    So, yeah. I guess if you're smart about it, then it's fine. :)
  7. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    Thanks but i already dont drink soda (never had it as a child) and about how much jogging would i have to do to get to my goal?
    And also do i have to eat alot of fruits and vegtables? Because i hate them, also is cheese fattening? Because my mom give me wheat noodle but i still put alot of cheese on them.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Anything dairy is usually fattening yes.
    You don't have to eat fruits and vegetables, but they are very good for you.
    Try getting some juice or applesauce or something of the sort.
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Cheese if fattening (pretty sure that's it's main ingredient (Milk solids.) I would limit cheese.

    I don't see how you can hate fruits or vegetables. Since both are delicious. The only good tasting vegetable is a raw vegetable though. Cooking them just makes the disgusting. Don't eat a lot though. Even good things are bad if you eat too many.

    Eat a good breakfast, again, not a lot. And stay away from those fruity sugary cereals. If you want to eat cereal eat something like Frosted Mini-Wheats (I believe it has the highest fiber content of the non-Health cereals). And a piece of fruit, like a Banana, Orange, Peach, etc. Breakfast helps your metabolism. Pay attention to serving sizes. Healthy snack between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner. Like a piece of fruit. Then you'll be less hungry during Lunch and especially Dinner, where people tend to eat a ton. I think 1500 calories is the target for people looking to lose weight.
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Also, I heard that actually skipping your meals can cause you to gain weight, because your body goes into survival mode and uses whatever fats there are in your body,
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    It can/does cause you to gain weight. But not because it uses the fats in your body, but because it causes your body to store energy (create more fat) rather than use it.

    I would have recommended Apples, but the only good Apple to eat doesn't come into season for about three more months. And all the apples stored from last season are completely drained. In case you are wondering it's the Honeycrisp. Around January they were six dollars per apple (Supplies were dwindling). When they get into season though... I get them as much as I can. I end up eating like two or three a day.
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I was just eating a few fuji apples. They were like 7$ Singapore, or around 10$ USD.
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Do they have Honeycrisps where you are from? (And I thought $6 USD per apple was bad).
    Here Fujis are cheap. I tried them last year when the Honeycrisps went out of season. They don't even come close to the awesomeness that is Honeycrisp.

    An apple is a good snack to have though. And they taste good (if you get good apples).
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.

    It's an ebook that you can find somewhere on the net.
    Unfortunately, I cannot tell you where to get it.

    Basically, the idea is to fast for 20-24 hours two times a week.
    I usually schedule it starting from 6:00 PM on Sunday to 6:00 PM on Monday, and 6:00 PM on Wednesday to 6:00 PM Thursday.
    If you want to discuss the science behind it, you'll have to read the book. It will take you no less than an hour to read 78 pages.

    The source I got the book from also has How Much Protein by the same author. I don't find it as profound, but still a good read.

    I've learned over the years that companies have people by the balls and will market just about anything to fill their wallets, regardless of whether their product works or not.
    This book, and Homemade Supplement Secrets by Jeff Anderson both talk about the scams that are in the health/nutrition industry. The people's desire for a quick fix is why companies are searching for and profiting off of their seemingly useful products, when really, you're buying cheap powder that does not work.

    The moral of this story is well, that there is no quick-fix for anything that you'll find in life. No quick fix to getting ripped/losing weight, dating, or success in the workplace.

    Here are a "few" excerpts:

  15. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Fasting is a horrible way to lose weight. There is a reason why "diets" fail. The only real way to actually and permanently lose weight is to permanently change the way you eat, not a "diet" in the common sense of the word.

    This truth is why Weight Watchers really works (And yes, it does work. The people that fail at it are those that treat it like a diet). It's not a "diet", as much as it is a life style change.

    By eating small amounts numerous times you train your body to use what it takes in rather than storing it. By spending two days eating, one day not eating, two days eating, one day not eating, you succeed in training your body to store energy for those times when you aren't eating. Why do it that way, when you can succeed while keeping your hunger satisfied at all times?
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    You don't need to diet if you eat healthily. I agree with Tirith, Fasting is a HORRIBLE way to lose weight. I really wonder how Muslims survive the Fasting month,
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Funny, because every Muslim I see is pretty damn skinny...There's Muslims everywhere where I go to college.

    Eating healthy isn't only based on what you eat, but how much you eat too.

    If you eat something considered as healthy, and then multiply it by 10, it really isn't healthy anymore. Take juice for example. Juice is somewhat healthy because of the vitamins and minerals it contains as well has not having fat, but it can actually make you gain weight if you drink too much of it because of it having calories.
  18. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    funny thing how this turned into a topic about diet, and yes i do skip ALOT of meals. i guess i should eat less at dinner and actually eat a lunch.
  19. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Theres this saying: Eat the most breakfast, Medium amount of Lunch and least amount of dinner.

    Or something of that sorts.
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    See my signature quote for why that backwards-logic reasoning is stupid...

    This is definitely not recommended. Irregular eating habits will cause your body to store up energy because it doesn't know when it might need it, so it'll save excess energy in your fat deposits.

    This makes sense because you're are most active during the day, if you eat no breakfast, slightly lunch and huge dinner you will have very little energy for your day and a lot for your night, but most people aren't very active during night so they burn through minimal calories and end up storing the excess energy in their fat deposits.

    Eat healthy and consistently throughout the day and exercise three times a week. For burning fat you'll probably want a cardio program that includes a lot of running or similar, rowing, cycling or any kind of physical activity which gets your heart pumping is good for this, careful not to strain yourself though.

    After cardio it's always convenient to drop down and do some push ups and sit ups, it's great to be slim but better to have a bit of defined muscle, right?