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Its just all about the money!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I really believe game developers don't consider what gamers think of their products afterall its business isn't it? A BIG FAT WRONG!!!!!

    Through the years we've seen it game developers "over estimating" the consumer, saying this won't sell or this won't appeal to western gamers, ah Phoooey!!

    You probably seen this specially now that ROMs & ISO'S are everywhere meaning you have access to games never released in your country or games that were altered 'cause the game developers thought that there's something that might not work in another culture.

    Here is a list of games that game developers should have left alone:

    1. Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2 a.k.a. the lost levels - Yes people lost levels (its real title is Super Mario Bros. 2) is infact THE official sequel to SMB1, not that feakin' SMB2 that Nintendo (of America) blatantly plagiarized from Doki Doki Panic! (& the strangest thing, I've looked everywhere & there seems to be no ROM of this, 'cause after reading about it in Wikipedia I wanted to see what kind of game Doki Doki Panic! was). Nintendo considered the game's insane difficulty the biggest reason to scratch it off, but did you know, many people did like it & the difficulty was what people liked!! Being near Japan, we get to play japanese titles & I tell you I really loved this game, that's why I keep looking for it on the Net. The SNES remake was crappy 'cause they took out the warp zone tube for the last level which is located in world 8-2, also the original had more level in it, not just 'til world D-4.

    2. Rockman (& all its variants) - That stupid asshole head honcho of Capcom of America thought "rockman" was a lame title but what does Megaman sound? He got the idea since there was a "Superman" & an "Ultraman" so why not Megaman, whoop di fu***in dah!! Did he not get it that Rockman was 'cause Megaman & Roll come in a pair, ergo Rock n' Roll? I really think Rockman is way way better than Megaman, heck the Australian name for him was even better "Thunder Blaster Man", KEWL!! And what's with the crappy title screens (I'm speaking of the NES versions), just Black with a crappy font style, again the japanese title screens are way better. The name manggling continues, I ask you this which is/are the better name/s, Blues or Friggin' "Protoman" (woohoo how lame, er original), Fliptop or Eddy, Bass (or ASS) & Trebble (or Terrible) or Forte & Gospel? Its obvious the guys at Capcom USA didn't get that the characters' names are types or genres of music!! Oh I almost forgot Crashman (which btw sounds "politically correct" 'cause he "crashes a cluster bomb at you) against clashman.

    3. Japan's Bio Hazzard - OK this was caused by copyright issues (I think) because there was an old PC game whose title was "Bio Hazzard" so this was acceptable. But seriously, when I first heard the title, "Resident Evil" the first things that went through my mind were Amityville & Poltergeist, 'cause the title sounded like there's an evil spirit or demon you have to vanquish in the game, boy was I wrong!!, So ok, the T-virus & subsequently, the G-virus causes you to turn zombie hungry but hey, there's no evil spirits in the game, well that's ofcourse if you don't count those Umbrella corp. jerks. LOL

    4. Rival Schools 2 for the PSOne - the assholes at Capcom of America were at it again, they friggin' removed the "create your fighter story mode" in the U.S. release so I ended up playing the japanese version like an idiot, man it was like a blind man playing an RPG! 98% percent of the text were kanji, I just relied on the old game of eenie meenie minie moe when choosing options, sheesh, the assholes thought western gamers won't appreciate this kind of game, that they thought only the japanese played! Hah! I say, then why'd Ace Attorney became this great phenomenon, & hah! again, little did those Capcom bastards know that some westerners were into Hentai games that utilizes this text based game system!!! LOL

    5. Pokemon Green - ok many say this was just a hacked version of Pokemon Blue, but in truth it isn't! The original Blue & Red came as a trio & green was the third game, not that mo****in' Pikachu garbage! Ever wondered why the GBA remakes were Fire Red & Leaf Green, not ___Blue?? Nintendo scrapped Green 'cause they thought two games were enough, they believed that Pokemon wouldn't succeed, BZZZT! Wrong again, & what did they do to "capitalize" on the games' success, release the damn Pikachu game ugh!!!

    And because of this disregard for gamers' interests & outright blunt view of gamer base, many many japanese games (like Earthbound2 or Mother 3 since Earthbound zero for the NES was the first Mother, the SNES Earthbound was Mother2) won't be played by losers, er gamers lol
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    SMB the lost levels was in fact released in Europe part of a 5 games in 1 cartridge for the SNES.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah I read that on another topic but wasn't it released on the NES in Europe? Other titles it had (due to piracy hacking back then) were, Golden Mario, Championship Mario & My old Classmate in elementary's cartridge labeled Gold Medal Mario Bros.
  4. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member

    Develops care, Publishers have to watch there money though, they can't just throw it away can they?

    Oh and counterpoints
    1) SMB2 in America was all about perceived reception, NOA didn't want to release a game that was notoriously hard, they wanted a game to appeal and grow on SMB1s success; if people thought it was hard, they wouldn't buy it. Oh and the Doku Doku engine was licensed.
    2) Ok, this is personal taste and I've never really properly played a Megaman/Rockman game, maybe the name change would be common sense seen as Rockmans (I'm guessing this is a translation of the Jap) appearance isn't earthy ergo something along the super/ultra line would be more suitable; again its all about market perception.
    3) I actually agree with you on this, Biohazzard would be a much cooler name, but I actually really like the name Resident Evil, I mean it conjures up the ominous survival atmosphere of the game.
    4) Urgh, the way you argue winds me up, you can't compare a fight game with the success of the Ace Attorney series. Oh, as for the create a fighter mode, that is the market establishment of "Americans like simple games" if you don't want that stereotype stop buying shit games.
    5) Erm, You are wrong, Japan got Red and Green; two popular colours in Japan, and America and Europe got Red and Blue, the two 'most' popular colours among children there. Nintendo never thought Pokemon wasn't going to succeed, they backed it from the beginning and gave it massive amount of marketing from what I remember. Think about it, the game became an anime in 1998-1999 the same year it was released.

    Ok so Japan get favoured release dates, but thats what happens when developers are Japanese. The rest of this is just whiney, there is no Big Plan To Screw Over The Gamers. Its called economics.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Yes there is, why else would games in Europe cost several times the equivalent price of the same game in the US?
  6. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    the uk, especially. an xbox 360 game (new) costs on average £49. that's high, especially considering last gen ps2 games were £35 (£39 max)
  7. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Whoa, that's high. $96 CDN for a game? They average $50-$60 (25-30 pounds) plus tax here.
  8. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    A new Xbox360 game in Ireland costs €70-75......the equivalent of 103-111 USD or £53-57.....I think I'm being ripped off.
    A Nintendo DS game is €40-50....thats £30-38 or 59-74 USD.....I think I'm being ripped off

    Add to that the considerable gap in release times between NTSC and PAL territories....

    It's all just about the money.....and we keep giving it to them....
    It also doesn't help when they know people will even buy crap games....

    People should start supporting indie games...
    Even if indie game developers were to get a small amount for every game they distribute.....they would be much more willing to spend their time making bigger and better games...
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    To 0790

    What I'm stressing on the Rival School game was the story mode ONLY, have you ever played the Japanese release, the story mode was awesome!! And I'm comparing rather making Ace Attorney's success as a text based game like a Japanese PC hentai game, do you even know what a hentai game is?

    Oh and if game developers don't want players to play insanely difficult games ,why do these next gen games seem oh I don't know... HARD, so hard that you sometimes get forced to use cheat devices just to make it through!!

    And if Pokemon Red & Green were the only ones released in Japan they how do you explain the Pokemon blue japanese ROM? That's certainly not hacked mind you
  10. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    No.....show us ;D
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i agree that its all about money it always is (apart from developments like trackmania) cough... microsoft...cough ...rip off.. cough.... people think its good..... but its not.... cough....xbox live... cough.....charge for somthing every other company give for free....cough

    i don't agree with the resident evil name thing its a good name. it was set in a mansion and the zombies were there so they were resident. and i would class a zombie under the evil creatures catagory what else would you put them as socialy ignorant ;D so resident evil.

    the reason things are changed for the different markets are not because one man says nope they won't like it. they give it to a load of people who play it and then ask them what they think (its called market research) they produce games for the majority of people not the obscure few that might like it. because it won't do as well.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    sometimes names are changed for legal reasons regarding trademarks. The case that comes to mind is the Sega Megadrive. Although named the Megadrive in Japan and Europe, there were trademark issues with that name in the US, so it was released as the Genesis.
  13. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I don't mind paying €60 a year for a superior online service....thats €5 a month...very affordable I'm sure you'll agree...
    And I'm sure Microsoft put a large portion of that money back into further improving Xbox Live
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    correct me if i'm rong but as i remember from when i was a kid (in europe) the first one was called the megadrive and the second smaller remake was called the genesis.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    nope, it was the megadrive II in Japan/Europe. I have one :)
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    OK for you people who think I'm lying about there being 3 original pokemon games in japan I've uploaded both the Green & Blue versions, now tell me I'm lying 0790!!


  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    cool my memory sucks
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    To: Equitypetey'

    Yeah zombies are considered one of the evil entities IF:

    The reason for existing or the creation of the zombie was done by supernatural means, ergo by withcraft, so RE's zombies don't count since they were scientifically biologically created. One more thing alot of you thought RE was the scariest Survival horror game, but for me It's Fatal frame, 'cause all the beasties there are supernatural beings.
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    'evil' is a subjective definition, and is influenced by the person defining 'evil'. As an example, you imply that you believe witchcraft is evil; something you have likely (but not necessarily) been brought up to believe, showing that while the person defining evil influences the definition, other factors (such as upbringing) can influence their perception of something, and hence their definition of it.

    Someone else, take me for example, would have a completely different definition. I do not define witchcraft as inherently evil, this definition is influenced by the the fact that I practice witchcraft. My definition of evil, influenced by the pagan path that I follow, is that evil is something with intent to cause harm, key word being 'intent'. Thus, by my definition, pretty much anything can be good or evil, depending on the intent with which it was carried out. As there are two sides to every coin, no action is entirely harmless, even if the harm cannot immediately be foreseen, and believe me, that is where things get complicated :)

    So, working on my definition, whether or not the zombies in resident evil are in fact evil, is very much open, and depends on the underlying intent of the Umbrella Corp. in creating the T-Virus. I can't remember if any background on the creation of it is provided or not.
  20. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You practice witchcraft ? What's it all about....?
    I've always thought that for me to practice something....it has to yield results...(thats not as shallow as it sounds if you think about it)
    So...is there results ? Or is it a complete load of bull**** ?(i'm not expecting the second answer ;D)