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it's 5 years and microsoft says no new console. did i miss something?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest


    "There is no need to launch a new console, because we're able to give this console new life either with software upgrades or hardware upgrades like Project Natal."

    this is nintendo's idea and not microsoft.
    this tells you that if a third console was released, it'll be nothing new. it'll be a 360 with better graphics with other upgrades and bigger hardware problems. it'll also mean new repurchases of the old stuff for the new console.

    if that quote holds true, then that means talks of future microsoft and sony console should cease because it would mean hardware limitation isn't the problem any more as you can bring in new innovation that'll revitalize the old console. this then goes back to the original idea that inferior hardware isn't a problem and won't be a problem until developers are no longer able to make new software due to the hardware limitation. with that in mind, the 360/ps3 are very powerful machines that would never need to be upgraded. but that is impossible and is bound to fail because there is nothing microsoft and sony can do in software and hardware upgrades like those of what nintendo can do. graphics and better tech is still a factor to them and they will break.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I can basically say, none of this is actually supported by fact, how can you assume any of this?
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it means nothing whatsoever.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    they don't need a new console anyway, take bayonetta is that it? whatever the name that new game with the witch and her hair, all reviews say it to be better in every way on the 360. so why lose money making a new console when the piece of crap they have can still beat it's main competitor.
  5. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Game companies, are notorious for telling one thing and doing another. Aside from that, not too long ago, there were some sparks alluding to a new M$oft console. This has no merit in the grand scheme of things they're going to remain silent until they (think) they know when to strike.
    Think of it this way. The Dreamcast is considered a "dead" system, yet to this day, more people(at least the old school gamers I hang with) play Power Stone 1&2, MvC 1&2, just to name a few.
    When did it stop being about the gamers? Now that is my question.
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    just to mention, Project Natal wasnt a Hardware upgrade.... its a Hardware add-on.
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest


    nintendo will be on the wii for a long time. remember, it's not about the graphics but the entertainment that you can bring. you do that by bringing in new innovation. the hardcore will snap knowing that they are still stuck on their ps3/360 for the next 20+ years. same graphics and hardware is sure going to tick the hardcore.
  8. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Re: it\'s 5 years and microsoft says no new console. did i miss something?

    lol beat its main competitor???? u mean ps3!!!!in what way does xbox 360 beats ps3?
    Post Merge: [time]1263503710[/time]
    bayonetta on ps3 has bad quality cause sega did shit on the ps3 port!!!the game is foggy and and has slowdows!!!now sega said that they are making a patch to solve bayonettas problem on ps3!!!
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The 360 sells more hardware than the PS3, but the PS3 is playing catch up right now. It did great on Christmas.

    They're not making a patch, you can't patch the problems that the port has. Although you are right that it is a horrible port.

    wat. Your last sentence contradicts with your first. Nintendo hasn't brought new innovation since the Wii came out. Also there will be a new console from all three companies within 20 years, like wow, that's an extreme hyperbole you have there. Sony said that the PS3's lifespan would be around 8 to 10 years (Yes they're reconsidering it, but they could be elongating it or shortening it, either way it's not going to be 20 years). That's a fair guess considering that the PS2 is about 8 years old now and still having games come out in it. I'm willing to guess that a new console will be announced in about say, 5 years from now and they'll consider supporting the PS3 just like they have with the PS2.

    Yes, what I just said was just estimating but it's a fair estimation since that's what Sony has been doing with the PS2.

    Also, graphics for games will get better and better with time as devs get more and more familiar with the console's specs. Black and a couple others on the PS2 and Xbox 1 are a testimony of this. Especially with the PS3, the PS3 is a strange beast and a difficult one to tame, it's extremely powerful but too complicated. By the time the PS4 is on the horizon, the PS3 will have even better games with great graphics. The Xbox will also be similar, but the PS3 is more powerful than that.

    Meanwhile the Wii, developers can keep hammering down the programming to make better and better looking games, but they have a large limitation, and we're already seeing devs utilizing the Wii's power to the fullest. All they can work on for now is fancy programming tricks and art styles, and programming tricks can only go so far. Along with the graphics, also comes advanced AI, large set pieces and amazing set pieces (if you've played Uncharted 2 or Bayonetta, you'd understand what I meant by amazing set pieces.).

    I also can't see Nintendo innovating on what they already have. The vitality sensor, like, what will that do exactly? We may not know but I can't imagine it'd be a useful feature in most games.
  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    HAHAHAHAH. You guys sound like congressmen arguing the state funds at a local waffle house :p Seriously though,Ms(or Mrs.) Natewlie, you must have been captain of your debate team. Me thinks you're going to law school someday... Call it a fools guess.
  11. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Re: it\'s 5 years and microsoft says no new console. did i miss something?

    read please
    it doesnt mean that ps3 is inferior when someone ports a game that wasnt even ready to be released to ps3,and yes you can patch game problems,first virtua tennis 2009,and now bayonetta sucks on ps3!!!really sega should look carefully before releasing a game to any consoles!!!
    Post Merge: [time]1263515966[/time]
    i dont care about the how much hardware it sells!!!i care about the console that is the most powerfull,that has the best games!!!!for me ps3 is perfect!!i own a ps3 and xbox 360,but xbox aint so powerfull in my opinion!!!
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    of course the ps3 is more powerful but i'm still yet to see anything that uses its resources properly.
    i agree that the 360 sucks balls but you got to love it, there's just that something it has (probably the controllers, ah they are sooooo comfortable and i can use them on the pc too)
  13. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    Ultra, you need help, you really do. What have you got against microsoft, Sony and "hardcore gamers"? I've said this before (without any response from you I might add) and I'll say it again. Nintendo is not some altruistic organization formed solely to bring joy to the world. Like Sony and microsoft, Nintendo is a company that strives to build upon it's profits. If you can't face the fact that in terms of quality releases for this generation, Nintendo is running a very distant 3rd, then that is your problem/loss. Personally, the Wii has disappointed me greatly in failing to live up to its initial promise. Hopefully this situation may change, but in the meantime I am grateful for my 360 & PS3.

    By the way, you do know that Nintendo is the only company to realise a profit on the sale of its console don't you? If you were writing this post you would probably follow that statement with "Now, what does that tell you"? So, Ultra, what does that tell you?
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Maybe provide a source before you said something, I'm not a big fan of looking for sources that someone should be providing in the first place.

    You asked in which way is the 360 beating the PS3, I answered your question, I really don't understand what all your exclamation points are doing in your post beside making you look ridiculous.

    The PS3 is more powerful than the 360, yes, but there isn't much proof of that. Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 are maybe the two best looking games (as of yet) of this gen, but those came out last year, and really, the 360 had little exclusives last year besides ODST which used the Halo 3 engine. Microsoft's exclusives are playing catch up, but they'll get to that caliber of graphics and tech in no time.

    You speak the truth. I own both the 360 and Ps3, I usually buy third party games on the 360. I don't know why. I bought a couple games for my PS3 aswell and I can't bring myself to play them, I love the console, it's just hard to get into.

    No. My school had no teams. dag yo.

    Personally, from every topic of his I've posted. He hasn't actually replied to any argument I present against him, he just brings up new points, and then it's a cycle. His ignorance to any argument presented to him astounds me, and he still hasn't answered why he felt necessary to call hardcore gamers 'retards'. Along with his hundred or other topics where we all continuously argue against him, for him just to make another topic, and completely ignore all the other topics/posts. Although I do have a certain amount of pleasure showing how illogical he can be, it's getting irritating.

    I'm quite surprised that the debate with Hypr has shown absolutely nothing on ultra's posts. Even though Hypr said he has broken brick walls before. I guess it was for that topic specifically. Oh well, it's enjoyable to me to argue against ultra, even if I repeat the same thing ten times.

    Also, just for fun. Look at the percentage of games being sold when their rated E, versus M. Oh my god, what does this mean? That I'm right?
  15. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    i want to see some exclusives for the xbox360 that can match up with the ps3 ones!!! remember that god of war 3 is coming for ps3!another exclusive that will be a nuke
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Me too, God Of War 3 is a lot of fun but that graphics aren't all that from what I've seen from the demo. I'm excited to see what'll Epic will do with Gears 3 (Gears 2 had some awesome moments in it's single player) and I'm excited to see more from the Halo Reach engine and what it can do. That's part of the excitement with games. Halo is supposed to have larger battles, able to display 20 vehicles at once.
  17. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    halo is awesome!but i prefer call of duty modern warfare 2!:)hey when will metal gear rising be released?is it this year?i hope so lol
  18. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Nintendo are seriously licking their lips and thanking God that the Wii has somehow out-done everyone (Including themesleves) expectations. Think about it, Nintendo's Gamecube ended up being their worst home console yet (In terms of sales), so you'd think they were pretty nervous having to bring out a whole new console in the next gen. Everyone thinks the Wii is some genious console that hit the big time, I seriously think it was Nintendo getting cheap and lucky at the same time.

    I personally am a bit angry at the 360. I'm dissapointed that they were able to pretty much sell a defect product. Yes, they have somewhat fixed the problem with upgraded consoles and extended warranties, but really....you'd think one of the wealthiest companies in the world would have something like that sorted about before release.

    The PS3 on the other hand was probably a huge dissapointment to a lot of people when it was released, but just as I thought it has slowly creeped back into the playing field. Don't forget, maybe Sony's best well known exlusives still haven't been released, Grand Turismo and God Of War. I personally think God Of War III is going to put PS3 sales through the roof. I think as the years go by eventually the PS3 will become more and more comfortable in the market. As Natewlie said earlier, newer devs are always going to give a console an edge over eachother and in the end create games that not only look better but are also developed in smaller amounts of time.

    We all saw the evolution that took place with the PS2, XBOX and GC. Play a PS2 game that was made in 2001, and then play PS2 game that was made in 2006...The differences could eaily seperate a whole generation of gaming. Just imagine what games on the PS3 and 360 will look like in a few years.

    I personally think any company brave enough to start the next generation at the moment is plain stupid. The PS3 clearly has many years of its future left, with its Blu-ray player and its always dropping developing costs. The Wii is showing us that Home Consoles don't have to be top of the line technology to sell. Also, I think Nintendo would be a bit hesitant to make a new console anyway.
  19. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Re: it\'s 5 years and microsoft says no new console. did i miss something?

    you are absolutly right raysie about ps2 games from 2001 graphics being totally different from 2006,but i really want to wait and see what happens in the future in the world of consoles!!:)
  20. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Typical. You just don't learn, do you ultra?

    That's hilarious! You mention innovation being the key to Wii's extended shelf life. And then you have the nerve to say that the "hardcore will snap knowing that they are still stuck on their ps3/360 for the next 20+ years" and yet, you just pointed out Microsoft's Natal project that is going to be used on the 360. Good job demonstrating that once again, you don't know what you the hell you are talking about!

    Ultra, just stop making these threads. Seriously, you can't even make a good point, least hold onto one. The only thing you can do is state a baseless claim or assumption, then respond to other people that tell you that you are wrong by making more bullshit points up. It's getting old, and it's stupid. Please go away, and don't come back until you have learned how to make a consistent point.

    Yeah, it only applied to that topic specifically. After I broke Ultra in that console debate, he simply ran off to make new topics as an attempt to lick his wounds.

    Funny thing was that some of those topics he made contradicted his main points in the console debate. I would have to guess that even Ultra knows that his opinion of Nintendo is bullshit.