Resident Evil 1 Disc 1 (U)(RARE) Resident Evil 1 Disc 2 (U)(RARE) Resident Evil 2 (U)(OneUp) Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (U)(OneUp) Resident Evil 4 Disc 1 (U)(WEEDCUBE) Resident Evil 4 Disc 2 (U)(WEEDCUBE) Resident Evil Code Veronica X Disc 1 (U)(MRN) Resident Evil Code Veronica X Disc 2 (U)(MRN) Resident Evil Rebirth Disc 1 (U)(DEMONCUBE) Resident Evil Rebirth Disc 2 (U)(DEMONCUBE) Resident Evil Zero Disc 1 (U)(RARE) Resident Evil Zero Disc 2 (U)(RARE) The games in bold are the issue-resident evil rebirth IS one. Rebirth is a remake of the first-but to my knoledge-they never ported straght one. So what is happen here exactly? Also-one I can confirm a duplicate. Rally Championship (U)(LOONYCUBE) Rally Championship (U)(SYNDiCATE) Dumped by 2 different people-yet same game and region-why is this? Just pointing that out-sorry to disturb, I just happen to know a bit of gc-and was browsing thru new uploads-with duplicated removed it could mean more space on servers-and less questions. Just saying
The rebirth games are Gamecube games. Resident Evil was 'remade' for GameCube. As of the Rally Championship games, they both have completely different filesizes, so there must be a explanation for the inclusion of both of them.
From what I know, only 'rebirth" was the only version of the original ported to gamecube. Rebirth had re-made visuals-and new features such as "lisa" in gameplay. I put this here just to back up my claim, the only port of the original resident evil is "rebirth" which I proudly own Unless someone has downloaded them both I can't back up my claim much more-as I'm aware different file sizes-dirrent dumps compress differently prehaps? And my same thought to the rally games-unless someone downloads them and test...well If someone could look into the files instead of just seeing the file sizes that would be great. Sorry to be a pain-I been following the resident evil games on gamecube for a long time (only other explanation is it's a psx version transfered to cube-which would be pointless as rebirth was the one-off)
Sorry to bump this, but I'd like to show this to SEPH. If any you know sir what is going on I'd like to know-I would have downloaded these to prove it but I cannot. Also-from experience with other gc isos the sizes can vary with compression-see donkey konga 2 for example-it's 1.35 GB here... I got a copy that's 235MB-so different compression leads to different sizes. If you see my post sir SEPH that would be nice and put my worries to rest.
I've already seen it, I just don't know what to comment on it, they have different names, they have different file sizes, it might be a port hack or whatever, but I see no reason not to have them both. Also, they're compressed completely similarly.
Hrm, if I download them both one day I'll let you know what they are-I still have reason to believe that it's resident evil rebirth twice (the original wouldn't need 2 disc-sure it can fit on 1.35GB of space-number 2 did)... As for rally-it's possible it may be a different language but in nstc format-but until I see it I'll have to wait and see. If anyone who has the ability to burn and play these-can they please test-as my crappy download speed means I can't even download more than 500MB a night