When it's released? It's also a DSi Enhanced game, so that has to be fixed by your firmware, what ever card you are using.
Recent files released for YSMenu have completely fixed the error code 4 in Sonic and Sega Racing, and in Assassin's Creed 2: Discovery. If you are using R4, there are good chances that this may be the fix needed to get that game working too. I don't know if it completely eliminates the DSi enhanced error, but the file set has done its job so far for me. Edit: If you are talking about the unbeatable Red Knight that I read about in another thread, I have no solution for you. As far as I know, that is the only AP in the game. No actual patches have been released to remedy the issue.
um. thanks for your answer. and that is my problem. i cant defeat enemies. even the grass-like monster, or even the flower. thanks, though.