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Is there an update? to get my r4i sdhc to pass by the dsi v1.4.4 upgrade?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by invisible8, May 7, 2012.

  1. invisible8

    invisible8 Member

    So my little sister was playing with my dsi yesterday..And she decided to update it..And today I tried to play my r4i on it and its being blocked because of the update..I updated the firmware just now..but it still doesent work..And im pretty sure i used the newest kernel /: Anyone got any ideas? cuz im really stuck here..
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you need to update the cart on a non-updated DSi or a DS. updating involves running a rom file.
  3. invisible8

    invisible8 Member

    I already ran a game on an old ds I had..then put the r4i in the dsi and it still wont work..did I do something wrong?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you need to run an update rom, not a random game.
  5. invisible8

    invisible8 Member

    Where doI get one..?
  6. invisible8

    invisible8 Member

    My 3rd selection isn't settings..its config..And when I click on it it takes me to setting what skin I use, how long till it goes to sleep mode..And that stuff..but no upgrade :S
  7. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    The latest 1.44 cart FirmWare update is packaged with V1.56b Kernel update for your R4i-SDHC cart
    To unblock your cart you will need
    A spare / friends - DSi console prior to this 1.44 FW system update
    And a spare R4i-SDHC cart prior to 1.44 FW update

    1. You use DSi console / spare R4i-SDHC cart both = prior to 1.44 FW to get to the UPGRADE icon using v1.56b kernel
    2. Choose UPGRADE .... When it says hit A to upgrade .... switch over cart to the Blocked one ... then press A to continue

    Hey presto . . . your blocked cart will work again if you reach 100%

    Let me know if you have these resources . . . otherwise you must buy another cart . . . sorry
  8. invisible8

    invisible8 Member

    None of my other friends have a dsi /: Only one of my other friends has a 3ds..and he has a regular r4..not an r4i..and I think he lost that..
  9. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    The 3DS will work for you / same as Dsi (as it allows hot swap cart changeover (tick)
    The R4 cart may be an issue ... but give it a go (if he can find it) buddy (nothing to lose eh ?)

    You may be surprised !?

    Experimentation is how we all learn !!!!

    The only other option is for you to send me your cart thru the mail system (to Australia) $$$ ???
    I can fix this problem ... but maybe cheaper to buy a new cart >?

    Your choice ?