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Is there a way..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by polipolipluff, May 22, 2012.

  1. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    That someone can find out your IP by your psp going online with wifi and they see your IP with things like their computer, laptop, phone, ect. Also is their a way that you can see from your online device (computer, laptop, ect) what a person has added to their micro sd memory card? maybe a program on the sd card to send data to the other person whenever the sd cards device goes online
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    You asking if you're using someone's wi-fi access point they can identify your IP? Well, the IP is assigned by the network, so yeah. What's more important is that your PSP uses a unique MAC address that could be compromised. However, to the layman, it's just a random hash. Law enforcement would have to get involved to resolve any information from the manufacturer about it, and unless you're doing some very illegal shit on someone's network that's a bit of an over-reaction.

    Anytime you connect to a strangers WAP you are risking your security. I don't know shit about the PSP but I'm assuming your average Joe doesn't hack them wirelessly on the weekends. What you should really be worried about when you're on a strangers network is the information you are sending over the network. This can be captured and decrypted, if it's even encrypted in the first place and your private credentials can be attained pretty easily by anyone who sets up what's called a "honeypot".

    And stuff, I don't know anything about PSPs specifically.
  3. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    So basically you are watching porn.
    Don't be ashamed.
  4. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    Lol no I guess i should have worded it differently, ill be detailed.

    Someone borrows your psp
    someone also borrows your psp memory card also
    they do somethin that you dont know about
    you get psp and memory card back from them
    you go home and go online with psp
    is it possible that their is a program they could have put on the psp or memory card that transfers any data from my router via my psp connecting to it, to their computer
    is it possible that the memory card can send a log of what has been put on it from my computer to my memory card and then the card send the log of what i put on it to their computer.

    I know this sounds ridiculous, its bvasicly saying can data be sent from my psp to someone else s computer just by having the wifi connect to my router
  5. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    Depends on your network and/or device that you are using. IP addresses change from your location.
  6. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    According to a super-brief Google search the PSP can log keystrokes to text. Ooh ahh. Can that be transmitted secretly to a specified node? I have no idea but my guess is that if there has ever been a known exploit to do so, Sony has probably patched it in firmware updates.

    I'd be more concerned about your PSP's SD card being used a carrier device to expose a common OS like Windows to an executable virus/keylogger, which are plentiful, and isn't hard to do.

    If you're really paranoid just reformat your card.

    Again, I dunno a thing about PSP, but stop fretting.
  7. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    If before putting the sd card into the computer i reformated it on psp would that have deleted any possible virus or hidden stuff?
  8. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    The simple answer is: yeah. Reformatting will erase the data on the card and write a new filesystem. Of course, if you do this you will lose any personal files that you may have on the card too and they're not fun to try to recover so exercise caution.

    Edit: when I said that your mem stick could be used as a carrier for a windows virus I just meant in the sense that any flash memory could - you run the same risk using and sharing USB drives. It's not something to specifically fear every time you use a PSP or anything.