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Is something wrong?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by SlaYoRz, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    I purchased my SDHC R4i v1.4 card from dinodirect and use a 8gb SanDisk microSDHC Card. I have tried installing R4i English V1.19b firmware onto my card but when I put it into my ds (blocky ds) the ds says no card is inserted. Is my R4 card broken or something? I have been trying to get this to work for the last 2 days :(. Please help.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd reckon your ds ain;t detecting it, a flash cart on a regular ds SHOULD detect a flash cart even without firmware (I did this with my acekard like a noob once :( )

    Try giving a gentle blow to ds's cart slot, then try again, also see if normal games work, if so but not r4i...then something is wrong with the card.
  3. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    Normal games work fine. No game has ever not been detected by my DS :(. Maybe I should get a refund and just buy an AceKard.
  4. iTz Jaake

    iTz Jaake Active Member

    Hmm... Before you do get a refund wait here to see if anyone knows what the problem is.
    Try it without the SD card in it and with the SD card in it, I doubt that would be the problem, but you have to try everything ;)
    If your really desperate get an AceKard 2i, Not a 2.1
    The new 2.1's need new firmware or something and won't save properly, or you can get a cyclo DS :p
    But maybe search around some R4 forums? Just to see if people have similar problems.
    EDIT: And maybe try different firmware, that's an idea.
  5. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    I've been looking for a while. I can't find any posts with this problem. Also I have tried everything with putting the card into my DS. I guess I will wait for a little to see if anyone responds with any ideas on how to get it working.
  6. chris_c66

    chris_c66 Member

    Had exactly the same problem with that cart - appears the design isn't quite engaging properly with the slot contacts. Being too lazy to send it back found that a piece of 'post it note' or very thin similar, stuck to the back of the cart behind the contacts does the trick - not too thick or you will jam it in the slot as the cart is a little reluctant too eject anyway.
  7. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    I did notice it was a little hard to pull from the slot. Where should I put the paper?
  8. chris_c66

    chris_c66 Member

    If using a post it note cut it to the size of the cart. Stick it on the cart with the sticky bit along the edge of the cart on the reverse side to the contacts - just to exert a small bit of pressure to the contacts when you insert it...
  9. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    pull the little plastic strip on the bottom of the cart that seperates the pins and the ds itself
    the pins arent aligning
    it happened with mine
    if this works then, you can just do it again whenever it happens
    also something i did try (works!) is to unscrew a sharpener and lift the plastic inside of slot 1 on the outside edge of the ds, (so holding the ds screens away from you, the seam between outer shell and ds inards, where the colour of the ds changes to black) poke it in there and make sure you can easily pull it back out.
    be careful not to lose the blade inside of ds.
    i now have a red dsl :D ;D :D
  10. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    alright chris I just tried what you said to do with the post note. It didn't work so I tried using two and now its stuck in the ds lol. I'm trying to pull it out right now :p. Ashley I don't really understand what you said to do.
  11. chris_c66

    chris_c66 Member

    Sorry you got it stuck SlaYoRz, but I did warn you.....the piece I used was only 25x25mm, although I did tuck the top of it under itself to just provide a little more of a wedge..
    When you put the cart in you are looking for the 'Star Wars game' if using a DSi
  12. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    Yeah my DS is still not seeing the card :(. What do you mean am I looking for the "Star Wars game"? Also I use the blocky DS.
  13. madcaine9

    madcaine9 Member

    Have you put the firmware onto your sd properly, you need to put each folder (4 i think) that you get when you unzip your firmware into you root directory individually not in one folder.
  14. SlaYoRz

    SlaYoRz Member

    Yes I know that and have already done that.
  15. chris_c66

    chris_c66 Member

    Still suspect manufacturing problems with the cart, as you should be see the standard R4 menu with a DSL by now.
    Would recommend you see if you can swop for another or try Acekard 2i
    Cart could of course be a fake ??