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Is realhotstuff reliable? (AS OF 2014)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by deadsa13er, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. deadsa13er

    deadsa13er New Member

    As the title says, is realhotstuff.com reliable? I've heard about the hacking and wondering if

    a) That's been fixed
    b) They store details of cards
    c) Will they accept PayPal
    d) What is their shipping like to the UK
    e) Are their products legitimate

    I'm looking to buy a Supercard DSTwo
  2. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    Not used them personally but their site will tell you if the accept Paypal - most don't.

    I think with most far eastern sellers there is an element of risk.
  3. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    a) No word of it
    b) Depends on if you pay by PayPal. If so, not, if you directly use your card, then yes
    c) Yes
    d) Don't know. Get them to quote you (unless they have a flat rate)
    e) Yes. The products you buy are what you are going to receive.
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    We're not advertising other sites.
    He's asked whether RealHotStuff is good, not for other sites.
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    No point mentioning it. Matching IPs and whatnot so they went bye-bye.
  6. wishlish

    wishlish New Member

    I've bought all my flashcards though them and never had a problem. One I bought recently took 4 days to get through the post office, but that was it. I live in NJ in the US, so it's the same state, but yeah, never had a problem.