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Is my DSi XL region locked!??

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by HoodManiac, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. HoodManiac

    HoodManiac Member

    Hi! I was searching my room for a game and just found it(Pokémon Ranger Shadows of Almia). When i tried it on my DSi XL the icon shows up and when i click it, a black screen with white text shows up.
    ''An error has occured. Press and hold the POWER button to turn the system off. Please refer to the Nintendo DSi Operations Manual for details''
    The game was imported and i tried a couple of times just for the same result. I also tried my other imported game, Mario and Luigi partners in time just for another error. I've never tried those games before on my XL bu they work perfectly on my sisters DS lite. Can someone please tell me if it's region locked??
  2. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    dsi, dsi xl and 3ds are region locked
  3. HoodManiac

    HoodManiac Member

    Ty for answering
  4. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    No there not,well not as fair as I know because people over (uk and america) here were playing the jap pokemon black that they imported and it was working fine.
    Its most likely there fake I'm sorry,no fakes will work on dsi or above but they will work on ds lights so I would try and get your money back.
    Ps. How you going to know if the 3ds is reagion locked,did nintendo say at there last advent?
  5. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    They already announced that it is region locked. And I doubt they were playing pokemon black (J) flash cart.
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/dsi-software-will-be-region-locked-confirms-nintendo so yeah. dsi is region locked. and nintendo already said 3ds is region locked
  7. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Actually, from what I've read...

    1. The DSi is only region-locked for games that are DSi-only or have DSi-enhancements.
    2. The 3DS is only region-locked for 3DS games.
  8. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    nah I seen people playing the real game on a English dsi.
    Yeah some people did use a flashcard.
    Anyway I know for a fact that the dsi and above won't play fake games that the dsl can so that might be the problem.
  9. HoodManiac

    HoodManiac Member

    Yeah, i thought so too, maybe it is fake. I just remembered my brother had an imported Pokemon Diamond that played fine on lite. I'll test it to see if it works. Another thing, if you import a game will the game manual or back boxart be different from regions to regions? My brother also got Pokemon ranger an his game were not imported and his manual is basicly how a manual SHOULD look and my manual is just some pics and text. Like if it's a picture of someone befriending a pikachu the manual just say: ''Player befriending Pikachu''. You know, just unimportant stuff.
  10. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    well if it is a fake then the manual will be badly printed and not on nice paper so you could tell from that and how's the card build? Strong or week,is it a slightly different shade of gray to your other cards? And Does the case feel cheaper than the others you might have?
  11. HoodManiac

    HoodManiac Member

    umm, the color is like all the other ones but the card itself looks like if they have put TONS of nongame stuff in it -.-...... The game case is hard to open/close. The manual and boxart actually was bad printed but i didn't notice the manual until now...