my brother upgraded the DSi System to 1.4.1 now it wont accept the r4i card is there a way to downgrade the dsi system? or if i format the dsi will it go back to lower version? thanks
aww thanks that's sad though i have to wait then i hope there will be an update Post Merge: [time]1298504363[/time] another question though what flashcard works with the 1.4.1u DSi upgrade?
yes i do i havnt been playing my dstti much since i got a scds2 but my sisters have and with all the updates they have been able to play everygame they have tried
yes you can Go to the Settings menu on your Nintendo DSi and select Memory Choose Format System Memory and then press Initialize System Touch the Format button to perform the system reset on your Nintendo DSi. Once complete, your DSi will have been downgraded back to its factory condition with no updates, add-ons or extra