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is everything that happens predetermined?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DSaddictforever, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    for those who own a DS,
    and have played the game Suikoden Tierkreis,
    the "everything is predetermined" is pretty much familiar now.

    so i'm just wondering,
    do you think everything IS predetermined or not?
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Sometimes things happen that kinda seem pre destined, even when we have free will to choose our own paths. Then there are times when things seem random & a bit un expected.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...When you have a one track mind everything is predetermined...

    I know games are "pre-set" but sometimes so are people's lives-half the time the poor people are forced to do what they need to do in life, and go down accordingly...

    As for the random and unexpected-those same people, or the people with one track minds like me, it can happen alot, but goes un-noticed, until they day when life is changed forever...

    Case in point-me driving-who would have thought I would be driving with my heavy handed attitude?

    I do find it sad for those who are in a pre-determined life-it's almost like prison, even if they enjoy it...
  4. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i live as a free spirit, choosing what i want to do when, but i do think that its all pre-determined and there is no such thing as an accident, but id rather it wasnt
  5. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    As a religious person myself, many Christians debate on whether God has pre-determined out lives. Personally, I say no. He may know what will happen, but that's not it being predetermined. A theory of predetermination would depend on some sort of religion, whatever it may be, and unless you're a religious man yourself, you shouldn't worry about you not being able to decide what happens in your life (and even if you are, you don't have much to worry about either)
  6. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    but isn't being a christian meaning that God has already planned out your life?

    i hope i don't offend you i dont mean to..

    it's just pretty confusing.
  7. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    you are the script-writer of your life, not religion, not the Pope, not Jesus and not God. what you decide today would effect you tomorrow.
  8. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    You decide your fate, destiny or whatever happens in your life. If you want to die, you can do it in a flash. You cant win the lottery by just praying, you need to do something. I believe in luck not destiny. but luck needs hard work. to become what you want in the future, you must do something today rather than just praying but doing nothing.

    We have a saying here in the Philippines: "Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa".
    Translation: "To god is mercy/encouragement/help, but to man is the work/action/will to do.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I'm going to throw the concept of the "Butterfly Effect" in on this discussion:

    What it states is no matter how Random or insignificant an event is, such as a Butterfly hatching somewhere, these things have both a direct & indirect and a positive or negative role in the whole picture.

    Take for example three totally random events or instances in my life:

    1. When I was very little, around four or five, my mom &/or Godmom would take me along with them at work & part of their job is to take a ride past UP Diliman to get to Manila Waterworks & Sewages System (MWSS) because they meet with certain clients of their offices there.

    2. My Sixth Grade Graduation ceremony was held on UP Diliman's Film theater.

    3. I got into college, graduated from, now on my Graduate studies & work at UP Diliman.

    If you think about it they don't mean anything, but looking at the bigger picture though I was free to do whatever I wanted, my choices still brought me to where I am now.
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    So you are saying that you are predetermined in UP Diliman, or are you saying you choosed to be there despite of other choices?

    And off-topic, congrats on the whole UP thing, hope you will do well there, with the graduate studies and works.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well back in 10th grade (that's fourth year high school for us Pinoys) I took entrance exams on several other Colleges & Universities all over the metro & I did pass the exams for other schools like Adamson, La Salle, UST (University of Sto. Tomas) & PNU (Philippine Normal University), but the one major issue that led me to choose UP Diliman was the commute & location, out of every other College/Universities I would have wanted to attend UP was the only one easiest to access for me. I would have wanted to go to UST but the commute to University Belt would have been a major problem for me as It's hard for me to read signboards of Jeepneys, because of my eyesight limitations, going in alot of directions in Manila, plus the rainy seasons would make this even worse, ever tried to get a ride out of España during floods & rains but you couldn't tell which direction or route the vehicle you got on will take?

    Actually, even during my first weeks going to & from UP Diliman was difficult, had not my cousin promised to let me ride for free on our mobile fortress (the jeepney he used to ply) everyday for three years I would not make it this far.
  12. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    but isn't the whole Christian concept
    "God knows and has planned out your life."
    or something like that
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    I dont belive in destiny or anything happen have a purpose or the future is written by supernatural imagined being call God.

    I belive everything happen randomly and thing just happen, there is no reason why certain thing happen, they just do.

    btw i though someone watched Knowing when i saw this thread XD
  14. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    And has a plan for your life, there's a big diff. What that means is simply that you should know you have a use in this world, not that your entire life is planed :D
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If everything IS predetermined than anything you think you've done that's random has already been determined. Technically everything is predetermined by time anyways, meaning whatever happens in the second or millisecond has been determined by that millisecond. If that makes any sense.

    I find confusing in shows that have time travelling where someone goes back into the past. If a person in the future goes back to the past, wasn't he predetermined to go back in the past? Because the past is set in stone, he probably was meant to go back into the past, meaning that his future was already predetermined because he went back into the past. It doesn't matter that he was going to alter the past, because the past was already altered by him.

    I don't know if anything I said makes any sense.

    But I don't really care if our lives our predetermined unless we find out that our lives ARE predetermined.
    It's kind of like finding out if the christian God really exists, there would be so much controversy and violence surrounding it would be my guess.

    Ignorance is bliss.
  16. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    Wrestling is predetermined. Life is not. There's no plan for us from "the man up there". We're just here and that's that. Whatever happens, happens.
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I do not think pre-determination exists, however, I do think that quite often we can become part of larger events in which we have no control over.

    At the moment the world's economy is in a bit of a mess, this was not pre-determined it was brought about by a combination of greed, bad decisions and a general economic decline due to changing supply and demand. You as an individual will probably be affected by the economic mess at some point, you have no control of this and you cannot escape it, so it may seem like fate.
    There are many things that go on in the world which we can be affected by but seem helpless to change, that does not mean our lives are planned for us.

    As for destiny, it is a little more difficult to disregard. Your makeup as an individual, based on your genes and also your upbringing will mean you are more suited to being great at certain roles in life, so you may be better suited to being a jockey or a computer programer or a cat wrangler :p . This does not mean you will become what your skills are best suited too, but it does mean that if you can work out what you would be great at then you have a good chance of being successful. So always follow your dreams, you may fail but if you never try you will never know.
  18. dekutree16

    dekutree16 New Member

    The bible says at ecclesiastes 9:11 "because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all" New World Translation. unforeseen means it is not predestined
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually unforseen means not predicted or expected.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    ah you cow you got there before i did.

    this is exactly what i think about time travel and "destiny"

    if you think about time in that way it does make time already set like a story written (don't get me wrong i don't mean by someone/something)
    if you can travel back in time it means that to some one in that time a future happens, it has already happened and no matter what you do its set because its already happened

    i do think what is meant to be is and does happen it has no reason and no one knows what is going to happen but if you go with life and don't fight it, it all works out.

    you and those around you make your story and its real to you because you are in it and that's you perception of it but if your out side of it reading you can see the story unfold but you can't change it because even if you try that is part of the story. now i'm getting confusing

    you make what happens happen but its going to happen whether you like it or not because your going to make it happen so it will?? ???

    i can't really explain what i think because it is almost impossible to get out in words and if i could no one would get it and if you did you'd think i'm a nut job (which i am but that's hear nor there)

    as cahos mentioned about the butterfly effect which is a part of "chaos theory" interesting stuff especially interesting when applied to life, i'm sure i recall something being said that if the mathematical equation to chaos theory for life was worked out we would know our future but anyway i'm just babbling i can't think straight at the moment because my head is swimming in thought.

    and can we drop the god thing it holds no relevance because if god pre-determined everything and it all happens for a reason it means he made people kill people and his path for you could send you to hell and basically it contradicts everything else.
    its just used as christian apologetics to explain shit they can't explain or make people feel better about them selves, the wonderful "god did it"
    so please drop the god things for the love of all our intelligences.