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Is anyone Stoked about the new NiGHTS game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by miso2002, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. miso2002

    miso2002 New Member

    I was really interested in this title when I first heard it was coming out and maybe I am just a little too old to remember these things but I played this game at a friends house when I was young and had a lot of fun. Now, I hear the sequel is coming out and it doesn't seem like anyone cares. Is it because people are expecting another Sonic-like experience from SEGA or is that not news has been released. The game is scheduled to come out this year and yet no one is expecting the greatness from it like they do with Mario or Metroid.
  2. Khrene Cleaver

    Khrene Cleaver New Member

    Theres gonna be a new Nights game? Awsome! I've never played it, but I saw some gameplay of the old one. Man if Sega pulls this off right It' really gonna be great being able to fly with the Wii-mote.
  3. celestino

    celestino Member

    ive heard itl be amazing...i think its just because the first one wasnt too widely known for some reason that most people havnt a clue what it is....
  4. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I've never heard of the game "Nights" either. What's it about?
  5. interbutts

    interbutts Active Member



    "NiGHTS into DREAMS" was the flagship title for the sega saturn, it's about a being that lives in your dreams named Nights who comes to two children, Elliot and Claris, and tell them that the ultimate Nightmare 'Wizman" is trying to bring nightmares into the real world. it was cool because it actaully worked on a scientific priciple of what dreams mean and stand for, and represent, because at the end of each level you had to fight a nightmare, and it would be different depend on your character. For example, Claris had stage fright, and the first boss is a fat opera lady. Also, They had these things called Nightopians, that would react to you differently dependng on how you played the game, and the music would change. If you make them happy by collecting stars and hatching them, the music becomes happy and the Nightopians dance around, but if you kill them, and music becomes angry and loud and the Nightopians fear you. It was actually a precurser to the Chao system in "Sonic: adventure"

    Walll of TEXT!

    actually in the Demo version, "Christmas Nights" Youc an play as Sonic.
    It was the first sonic in 3d experience ever, and was actually a,lot of what the cancelled title ""Sonic Xtreame" WOULD have been like ifsega hadn't taken away the NIGHTS Engine from the development crew. After that happened Sonic Xtream took on a brand new cameraview called "Fisheye" and an all new gameplay engine.

    Haha. If you wanna know more about that cancelled game I suggest Sonic-Cult.org.

    Sorry. I really love NiGHTS :D
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I think we have both 'Nights into dreams' and 'christmas nights' in our Sega Saturn section