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iPlayer FlashCart Help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by KawaiixHaruhi, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. KawaiixHaruhi

    KawaiixHaruhi Member

    So im having a Problem i have a DSi XL im trying to update my iplayer firmware. My dsi Xl have firmware 1.4U .
    So i do the update i Put the system_ folder & the update.dat file i load it up on my ds i get the error message i wait 5 mins of the update processing i reboot and still get error ive been trying this like all day i dont know whats wrong what should i do. My R4 works on my dsi xl. Im also on A mac while putting these files on the sd card and stuff if that helps.
    Post Merge: [time]1285476798[/time]
    Figured out my problem . Went on Windows and formated SD card . Windows had a memory sd issue my 8gb read as 200mb had to Reformat it with a program provided by the Manufacture Site . Everything worked. *Thread Closed*