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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by RizkyFz, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. RizkyFz

    RizkyFz Member

    Hello Everyone

    My name is my nickname, I've been a member since 2009, but i'm new on the forum.
    Recently i like to spent my time to playing DS

    BTW, I'm just not understand why i cannot post links ..

    So, cheers .. :)
  2. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Your actual name is Rizky Fz? Sounding it out loud is fun.

    [url]The URL of whatever here[/url]
    Does that not work?
  3. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I say it like Risky Fizz. :) ha ha, what a name!

    Welcome, Risky Fizz. Enjoy yourself
  4. RizkyFz

    RizkyFz Member

    No, no. i've seen Sorry, you are not allowed to post external links. when preview to post

    Yeah thanks, you too. Does my name strange? LOL
  5. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I think you'll need more posts.
    Why do you want to link so badly?
  6. RizkyFz

    RizkyFz Member

    I want to ask a help, NOT offer a help..
  7. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member


    You have to post more before you get super-linking powers like the we have.
    The spam thread is the best thread for points.
  8. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

  9. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

  10. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    I thought forum games section doesn't give you points/posts at all

    Welcome RizkyFz ^-^
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there is a minimum post count required to post external links in order to defeat spammers. posts in the games, jokes and random section do not count.
  12. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I wanted to see how gullible he was.
    But he never showed up again. D:
  13. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    It's a pity that that's pretty much the only place I post :p