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internet on ds

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by helvetia123, Oct 17, 2007.

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  1. helvetia123

    helvetia123 New Member

    somebody knows how connect DS to an access point and how use internet ?
  2. john77554

    john77554 New Member

    you need the ds browser in order to do that:

  3. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    If you mean normal internet as in e-mail, etc., then you're looking for the Internet Browser. If you're looking for how to get into Wi-Fi for competitive gaming, you'll have to get a Wi-Fi-compatible game, a wireless access point, and read the booklet that comes with the game.
  4. helvetia123

    helvetia123 New Member

    Thank you for answers.

    Without DS Browser is it impossible?
  5. da big E

    da big E Member

    i'm guessing you have a device such as R4 (or any homebrew playing device) then all you need is DSorganize you don't need to go out and buy the nintendo browser. Just make sure you have an active wi-fi connection and then you can use DSorganize or DShobro (needs an app. running on your PC at the same time though) to access the internet. There are many other homebrew apps like this so have a look around on google.
  6. imma_lion

    imma_lion New Member

    I've been having server not found issues with various homebrew browsers:
    I've tried DSOrganize and Bunjalloo and both don't seem to work.
    DSAim also doesn't work =(

    Do you have any suggestions?
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    They tend to not work well obviously. You have to live with it, or get the Opera.
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