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Internet....I am disappoint...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Luga, Jun 21, 2010.

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  1. Luga

    Luga Well-Known Member

    I saw this coming sense December 2009 when this "copyright" thing started getting out of control...
    ...I tried to ignore it. (No it won't affect DS Downloads) I was wrong...

    Just a little while ago I got my hands on an English patch for the Chochbo Dungeon Plus for the DS. I go to re-download a clean dump and...DS ROMS ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!

    Who's to blame?
    ROMU? NO! They are trying to not get their asses sewed.
    Nintendo? Maybe...But I don't think they would try THAT HARD.
    FCC? Could be....but I am too scared shit-less to say anything against the FCC or CIA.
    This new Copyright reform that went into congress that supports MAJOR CORPORATIONS that have LOTS OF MONEY!

    This has affected Youtube as well.

    Why is it that when I want to watch a Youtube video, instead of getting the video that I requested, I get a stupid banner ad, or a video advert that I cannot skip, until it is over. SENSE WHEN DID YOUTUBE BECOME TV!?!?

    Now Youtube has these stupid ads that load up next to the video that HAVE SOUND! After the video is finished playing, some stupid voice starts to play. It makes me want to rip out the audio jack from my PC!

    Let's face it "The World AS We Know It Will Be Changed Forever In 2012..." I think I am starting to understand what they mean now...


    On a side note, I am seeking and bookmarking other DS Rom sites because, let's face it, I want my DRAGON QUEST IX when it comes out, my FOUR WARRIORS OF LIGHT when that comes out, and my POKEMON BLACK and POKEMON WHITE when THEY come out.

    I will still remain on ROMULATION for RETRO ROMS as they are VERY GOOD at having CLEAN WORKING ROM DUMPS OF GAMES!

    So on final note...
    Internet....I am disappoint...
    ROMULATION's NDS DOWNLOADS....I will miss.
    ROMULATION's GBA/SNES/SG[SMD]/N64/Game Boy{color} downloads....I will continue to enjoy.

    And Nintendo,
    ...bitch move.
    You have now lost my interest in the 3DS and I am going to get MICROSOFT's HANDHELD SYSTEM when it is revealed at E3 2011/2012 (HEY IT HAS TO HAPPEN!)
  2. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Ads? In your internet? It's more likely than you think. Internet advertising is far from new.

    Also, the FCC and CIA have absolutely nothing to do with what happened or even each other.
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If you're complaining about ads, just get Adblocker Plus on Firefox, it takes away all ads, including Youtube videos.

    Huh? Ads help sites like Romulation or any other site you go to stay up. G-Masters, the forum I was part of before this one was self sustaining through ads for a long time (almost a year).
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The internet was designed originally as a means of communication for the military I have been informed.

    Now since it's for public use, WHY WOULDN'T YOU EXPECT ADS!?


    WE NEED MORE ADS IF ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not the ads that are part of the vids.


    *Insert shameless ad to get lost planet 2 for ps3 here*
  5. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Im sad. :(
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The ads on videos are also partly funding for whatever site it's on. What makes you think otherwise? Companies pay sites like Youtube to inject ads wherever they can so Youtube can get money through views or initial payment. Youtube's such a huge website that moves along tons of bandwidth, what makes you think that they don't make money off the ads in the videos?
  7. Croassassin

    Croassassin Well-Known Member

    Something ignored is the copyright which i agree is a load of shit :)
  8. Luga

    Luga Well-Known Member

    Can anyone say "Copyright means no more rights?" Because the USA, Canada, and Europe sure can!
    Let's sit down and think about this for a moment. Why reform the already working copyright law? Why ensure that if I wanted a peace of media on my ipod touch that I am encouraged to purchase the media again for the ipod? Why am I not able to rip and convert the media that I have purchased with my money, that I have earned by working my ass of from nine to five every day to get? Why make me pay for something that I already own?

    This has been something that just justifies my point here.

    You purchase a DVD of Shrek 3...now you have an iPod Touch, Copyright law CLEARLY STATES that you ARE ABLE to copy the media from the DVD and convert it to a format in which the ipod touch can understand and play...HOWEVER, there IS a clause or some kind of exscipt in the law that states something along the lines of.

    "While a consumer may create backup copies of purchased media and convert the media for use on another device, if said media has digital lock-out software installed on the media, it is unlawful to circumvent [or hack/crack/bypass] the encryption in order to force the media dump to work on the other device [the ipod touch]"

    So guess what that means?
    If I have Shrek 3 on DVD and I am going on a long trip somewhere and I want to watch Shrek 3 on my ipod touch and the Shrek 3 DVD has a lock-out encryption software on it, by law, I am not allowed to crack the software and put Shrek 3 THAT I HAVE PAID FOR on my iPod Touch. I HAVE TO BUY IT AGAIN FROM THE IPOD SHOP!

    That's like, if you had a car, and there was a law that said that you were only able to drive that car in one state only. So (Let's use VA as an Example here) if I purchased a car in the state of VA and I wanted to drive to someplace in NC then by law, I would have to BUY ANOTHER CAR IN NC in order to be able to drive ANYWHERE IN THE STATE OF NC!

    Now some might think that this is going a little bit overboard but this IS what is happening in the entertainment industry!

    And you can take that "Must buy another car to be able to use it in another state" think as the regional lock-outs.

    It's in DVDs, it's in Video Games, and it is also found on some CDs!

    In short, Screw the ESA, Screw Regional Lock outs, Screw re-buying what I have already bought, and screw these stupid unnecessary copyright laws that do nothing but harm the consumer.

    Join me tomorrow when I botch about piracy and anti-piracy measures that harm the consumer and to nothing to the pirate; (Psst...it involves EA and Command and Conquer 4)
  9. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    Not sure why everyone is so surprised at all the reforms being made. Almost every aspect of life in general has become one big money-making scam.

    All I can say is that once the internet gets to the point where I can't DL free stuff, and the only thing I can do is look at ads, then I will just cancel internet service altogether and be done with it.
  10. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    Wow, some good whining going on just because it's becoming slightly more inconvenient to steal things. Companies have a right to protect there product, just as you have the right to decide whether or not to buy/watch adverts for the goods/service.
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    There has been one topic which has remained open to allow people to pop in with their opinions, etc. about the ESA issue.

    Please use it rather than making your own.
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