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Installing Woor R4 interface problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by zidane100, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. zidane100

    zidane100 Active Member

    Hello all!

    I was installing Wood R4 1.13 following this advice http://gbatemp.net/t227742-new-users-guide-to-setting-up-wood-r4 and while i succeded playing Etrian Odissey III, the interface was very weird with weird colors everywhere!! I have R4 1.18, Ysmenu and now Wood R4 on the same card.

    I installed Wood as an secondary option style, I downloaded the r4crypt put it in the same directory as the carpet with the firmware Wood R4, i took the DS_MENU.DAT and I turned it in an .ds file so i can load up the wood firmware, thats ok right?

    There is a premade one with the exact same problem!! weird colors everywhere!! dont know the problem...maybe its because I have to many firmwares on the same card? by the way I have an R4 original... any of you know whats the problem? why the interface gets crazy??
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I have an R4DS original too, using v.1.18 kernel with 2 firmware;
    1. YSMENU R4YSauto v.0.02 with TTMENU from Unoffiical v.117a series
    2. Wood R4 v.1.13

    But I have no problem like yours.

    What I did was, I place the _DS_MENU.DAT that belong to wood R4. into the __rpg folder. I also place the WOOD R4.NDS into the __rpg folder too.

    As for the YSMENU. The TTMENU folder stand alone, while I made another folder named as YSMENU. I place the YSMENU.NDS in it.

    Here's what my SD Cart folder arrangement is like:
    __rpg folder <-- _DS_MENU.DAT that belong to Wood go in here with Wood R4.NDS
    _system_ folder ---> belong to R4 v.1.18
    moonshl folder <--- I think its a v.1.6 or v.1.7. opted not to upgrade to v.2.1 because of SD card size
    TTMenu folder <--- Unofficial TTDS v.117a12rev32
    YSMenu folder <-- YSMENU.NDS go in here with YSMENU.txt, R4patch.DAT and r4dldi.dat
    _DS_MENU.DAT --> belong to YSMENU or R4
    _DS_MENU.SYS --> belong to YSMENU or R4
    _DS_MSHL.NDS ---> readable only in YSMENU mode when console is on
    TTMENU.SYS <--- Unofficial TTDS v 117a12rev32
    YSMENU.ARP <-- only appear if you have a cheat code activated inside YSMENU.NDS

    But I didn't change the _DS_MENU into an .ds or .nds type. There's no reason to do that, may be that causes the error.

    Side note: You can upgrade the moonshell to v.2.1 stable if you want but it took up a lot of space for nothing, with minimum setting and files for the moonshell v.2.1 stable its still around 56MB.

    My above respond is according to what you have summarized.

    Links that I've posted:
    Wood R4 that I use is from CoolKill3r. Its in page 119 of Kiekoes's PKM B/W AP forum.
    YSMENU that I use is from VividBoy H2Y. Its in page 193 of Kiekoes's PKM B/W AP forum.
  3. zidane100

    zidane100 Active Member

    I tried the WOOD R4 by it self, erasing everything and it loaded the interface good!

    I said WTF?!

    Then I erased my Ysmenu from the original, and put the one that you told me about, puted the three together and VOILLA!! it totally worked THANK'S A LOT MEN!!!

    Hey a question is the patch for translating the Pokemon B/W really and totally turns the game from japanese to english?!

    O yeah to your eyes how is this pokemon differente than the others?? i'm kinda sick of the same formula...
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Glad you got it done. I told many people about the R4DS ability to run Wood and YSMENU at the same time, but no one believe me. But anyway, here's my respond:

    Well, the translated version is real, OfficialV2 is the latest. But don't expect the dialogs has been changed into English though, they only did it up to the 1st town starting from the home town. The guys & girls who teamed up to create the patch was focusing on the POKEAPPS (POKEDEX, C-GEAR, POKEMON, SETTINGS, etc.), POKEMART, POKE CENTRE Computer & Healer, battle interface not the entire game itself.

    The English translated ones (beta and official versions) work best on Wood R4. The YSMENU can only use the beta versions. But forget about using cheat.dat or usrcheat.dat, go for the POKESAV B/W v.0.05 instead. I posted it in Kosta032's page. The link belong to jsparrow in GBATemp.net.

    The difference between PKM B/W and HG/SS is the 3D enviroment. Also now some times you get random 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 battle with wild pokemons. There are new pokemon too. Other than that, I don't feel that its been a major leap from HG/SS. I hate the new drowsing machine for searching hidden object, the previous versions was better, also the map for me is a back step from the previous version as it confuse me to which direction I should be heading. They drop the tree headbutt feature too. But that is just my personal opinion, others may see it different than me.
  5. zidane100

    zidane100 Active Member

    Mmm i tought they translated to english the whoooooole game, I said WOOOOOW!!

    I think its just to see how the game is and so on. The 2 on 2, and 3 on 3, sound very interesting! although it sounds like there is nothing new really to the formula...well at least I hope they put a Pokemon game harder than HG/SS they were so freakish EASY, even when I fought against Red I beat the crap out of him very quick, I didnt get a game over in the whole game, that really turned me off, cuz in RPG's in general I like to make the best team and hope the game give a great challenge to try it.

    The games now (the RPG's more than the other categories) are to easy, nothing like a good'ol breath of fire, star ocean, grandia, lufia (awesome), wild arms, golden sun, dragon quest (all besides VIII and IX)...even the DQIX was very easy to (post game is the real challenge), the only game's hard enough are SMT:DS, SMT:SJ, and the Etrian Odissey series (hardest RPG ever).

    I think I wait when B/W english version come out. And hope Golden Sun and Final Fantasy:4HL be a challenging game as its supossed to be, altough they want to made them for public in general, but a dificult choice in the game would be good also..
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    True, at times it can be kind of boring with the repetitive battle system in Pokemon. Have you played Dragon Quest series. That one is the best so far in my opinion for NDS. Of cause there are many other titles, how you prefer it depand on each personal taste and opinion.

    I was also hoping Star Ocean has a NDS version. Saw it on the net saying it will be but it never was any. Guessed ever since it was released in GB, it took off and became a PS only title. Kind of suck cause I don't have a PSP or PS3. Only got a PS2, and I had played that game on it. Anyway,....good luck waiting for the real official pokemon black and white due in 2011. By then we all had gotten fed up playing it. I've been searching high and low for the Official USA version of Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs. It was suppose to be out on the 4th of Oct. But no one seems to have uploaded it. I hope to see it soon. For me, the Ranger series is better than the Trainer series which is better than the Mystery series. Good Luck.