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Installing Bliss's Triple Loader on the SuperCard DS-One SDHC

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by microman93, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. microman93

    microman93 Active Member

    Tutorial: Installing Bliss's Triple Loader on the SuperCard DS-One SDHC
    This tutorial is going to explain how to install Bliss's Triple Loader onto the Supercard DS-One SDHC. Bliss's Triple Loader will allow Supercard DS-One owners to run the TTDS firmware and Ysmenu, which was built off of TTDS firmware by Yasu, on there DS by pressing certain buttons while booting your DS(I will explain later).
    Well before we get into actually installing everything we should first gather correct files, firmware, etc. Before you start this you should have:
    -Bliss's Triple Loader (MSFORSC.NDS) available here: http://bliss.hanirc.org/blog/downloads
    -Ysmenu (Ysmenu.nds, Ysmenu.ini) available here: http://home.usay.jp/pc/etc/nds/
    -The TTDS Firmware (TTMENU.DAT, TTMenu folder): http://www.ndstt.biz/Dstt-Download/DSTT_V1.16.html
    -Your original Supercard Firmware (MSFORSC.NDS - this will be renamed later, scshell folder) Which you should already have.
    -The correct DLDI for the SuperCard DS-One SDHC available here:
    -A dldi patcher. I use this one:
    -To make everythin run easier I reccomend you keeping all these files on your desktop
    Once you have all of your files we can get started!
    -On the root of your card you should already have your supercard firmware. You will notice the .nds file that the supercard uses is MSFORSC.NDS
    which is also the name of Bliss's Triple Loader. So take the original MSFORSC.NDS file and rename it to SCDSONE.NDS.
    -Now take the other MSFORSC.NDS (Bliss's Triple Loader) and copy it to the ROOT of your memory card.
    -After you have done that take the TTMENU.DAT and TTMenu folder and copy them to the ROOT of your card.
    -Now we will patch Ysmenu.nds so that it will run on the supercard SDHC (It MUST be patched due to the booting procedures used in Bliss's
    Triple Loader.
    -Unzip the archive that contains the patching software in it (dlditool-win32-gui.zip) This will give you a bunch of files but just double click on
    -If all the files are on your desktop like I reccomended before the patcher will automatically detect the Scdssdhc1.dldi file.
    -Now take the Ysmenu.nds file and drag it into the section that says Binaries and then click Patch. (This will not make another file, it will just
    patch the existing one)
    -Finally take the Ysmenu.nds and Ysmenu.ini files and copy those to the ROOT of your card.
    There you have it you have now installed Bliss's Triple Loader. Now lets test it out!
    -Put your memory card back in your Supercard and turn on your DS. You should see a loading screen and then it should boot your Supercard
    -Now turn off your DS. Turn it back on but now hold the X button when you turn it on. You should get a loading screen then it will boot your
    TTDS firmware.
    -Now turn off your DS again and turn it on but hold the Y button down when you turn it on. You should get a loading screen and then it will boot
    If you tried out the 3 different firmwares and they all worked well then congrats! You have succesfully installed Bliss's Triple Loader for the
    Supercard DS-One!
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/downloads/DLDIrcSetup.exe Easier DLDI patching. And nice one.
  3. microman93

    microman93 Active Member

    Ok thanks much :D