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Infinte Space Q & A thread

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by liamash, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. liamash

    liamash New Member

    OK, since i saw all the infinite space topics i thought i could make one where everyone could post a question or problem they had in the game and the other people in Romulation and on the internet could help.
    for example:
    "stuck at ___/ can't beat the boss. help!"
    "to beat the boss, i ___..., so you just need to do that to beat him/her."
    not very good examples, but i didn't want to type a lot of stuff because i am pressed for time (i have to go to school in 15 mins).
    hope people use this thread to save cluttering up the forums.

    My question is:

    i am at the part of the "Yuri the Man" section of the game, where i need to follow the pirates ship to find the secret starlane and avoid getting blown up each time by the cannon that guards the main routes. I have tried killing the ship, no luck. I talked to Gen Nagy (that his name?) and he said not to kill the ship. i tried doing that and nothing happened. it moves around a bit, then trapped me against the edge of the battle area or moves to the right edge and stops. i would like some help in solving the problem. Thank you!
  2. DavianQ

    DavianQ Member

    I'm at exactly the same bit, and i've found the key. you really have to knuckle down and do some random encounter fighting to earn enough G so you can get the battleship/cruiser/cruiser setup you need for this. i saved up 38,000G and bought some serious hardware... simple enough :)


    For those having problems, I suggest...:-

    Make sure you target the lead ship first
    use 'dodge' whenever available
    use reverse to get out of weapon range for recharging
    if at full charge, use 'normal' attack then 'barrage' to circumvent AI 'dodge'
    Read the manual, and ensure if u can get dual-lasers, you get them... (thats the D and S in Remod)

    Best game on the DS so far...

    Finished one storyline, very excited to see the others...
  3. spangus

    spangus Member

    I'm just starting playing the game, and am having a few problems as I am yellow/green colour blind. Unfortunately for me they have chosen a shade of yellow and a shade of green that look exactly the same to me.

    In various threads people post that if the enemy ship border colour on the top screen goes from red to green it means one thing, and red to yellow another and the player should react accordingly. For me the ship goes from red to either green or yellow. I cannot tell which. Does this mean that I an going to have a lot of trouble with this battles in this game, which already sound difficult enough, and should maybe start playing Strange Journey instead?
  4. Ursaahn

    Ursaahn Member

    It certainly makes things harder, but it's the most important to see if the enemy is red or not. If it is red, chance is big it's gonna use barrage, so you'll want to use dodge. If it's either green or yellow, normal is a safe bet. Especially later in the game, when most ships will dodge your barrage, normal is a safe bet.
    Red = Use Dodge
    Not Red = Use Normal (or barrage, but chance is you'll waste it)
  5. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    Q what good is "Melee" ability in the game?
  6. Ursaahn

    Ursaahn Member

    None. It should only be used when your ship is about to be blown to bits, since melee ignores ship damage.
    But the CPU tends to excel at melee. There is one simple strategy to beat *most* melee battles:
    The AI is programmed to react in a specific manner. It will always use next what is strong versus the ability that counters their current attack. This sounds harder then it is:
    When the enemy uses 'Leader', it expects you to use 'Shoot' to counter its 'Leader'. Because it expects you to use 'Shoot', it will use 'Slash' next to counter your 'Shoot'.

    To trick the AI, use that which is WEAK against what they are using.
    The AI uses Leader. Now you use 'Leader'. The AI will be tricked into thinking you will use 'Shoot', since that counters 'Leader'. To repel the 'Shoot' it expects you to use, it will use 'Melee', but will be killed off by your 'Leader'.

    Sorry if it's still unclear. Bottomline: Don't use melee anyway unless your main ship is about to be downed
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The melee part reminds me of the EASY mode in those card arcade games, you choose scissors, they'l try to counter it next turn...
  8. Ursaahn

    Ursaahn Member

    Exactly, which makes it hard when you don't see the pattern, and easy when you do ^^
  9. DavianQ

    DavianQ Member

    I'm having a bit of a problem during Chapter 4. After arrival in the Kalymnos Junction, I can't seem to find a way past the security forces' blockade of Dodeconese and Zante. I know I've missed something. I've found Nerissa but can't seem to get any further. I'm thinking maybe you need to find Gen Nadey again, but don't wanna go all the way back and search for him unless I really have to. On the plus side, all this time spent flying around has bought me 2 Battleships and an AA Cruiser :)

    Any ideas appreciated,


    EDIT: Solved
  10. cloggesphere

    cloggesphere New Member

    did anyone get this to work on an original r4? cause i even tried with v1.18 and still no luck... :(