Hello. When I try to download Infinite Space, WinRAR opens up and says something like "Unexpected end of archive". If I try to extract it (the pdf I mean, it won't give me the game) , it says the file is damaged or corrupt. It's a WinRAR trial version, I'm using IE, (my mom won't let me use anything else for some reason) and I had more than enough points to download it. It's happened before, but usually I just re-download it and it works. It didn't work this time. I have tried both servers. Thanks in advance!
Actually, I tried downloading something from GBATemp and got the same problem. I think it's WinRAR having problems.
Make sure you have the latest version of WinRAR www.rarlabs.com Sometimes older versions cannot open files compressed with newer versions. Use a download manager like FlashGet www.flashget.com This will help you avoid corrupted downloads due to you losing your connection to the servers. Internet Explorer will assume the download is complete if that happens, and you will end up with a corrupted download.
Thanks everyone, it turns out my internet was the problem all along. Once the internet stopped being slow, I was able to get it.