Hello. Over the past month or so, I have made some downloads that were supposed to deduct points but they didn't. All the downloads were in NDS, and it probably would have been around 500 Points worth of downloads. If you wanted to deduct those points from my profile, please feel free to. Thanks for the awesome site
Please refer to the introduction guide. Chances are we simply don't take points for those downloads. Thanks, though, for coming here to make sure.
Yeah, the ones that I downloaded definitely should have had points deducted. I have definitely downloaded about 500 MB of files that were larger than 50MB for each download
Yeah, just checked the download script, and it was indeed the old value of 75 that had snuck in there. Changed it back to 50 now.
Sweet. I knew that it was something like that, because I remember a 78MB file deducting, but a 68MB one didn't.