Try using this package, If you still get the same problem, it probably not supported by no$gba at the moment. try using DeSmuMe instead.
You can increase the speed a bit by changing the 3D settings to 'Softrasterizer' and enable/disable any/or all of the options, or change the intervals of Frame Skip from 1-3, changing more than that can make your emulator freeze/hang.
Hey watch this video he is playing it on No$Zoomer and it runs perfectly, but mine doesn't work. :'( WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? ? ? ? Spoiler
Looks like the runs fine using the BIOS method. Here how to do it. 1 ) Google for eNDryptS Advanced(eA), and download it. 2 ) Copy & Paste the Inazuma Eleven 3 Spark.nds file into the eA folder. 3 ) Open eA folder, click eNDryptS Advanced.exe 4 ) Click number '1' on your keyboard, and ignore(cancel) if there are new windows pop out. 5 ) Check whether you got this message " 1 rom(s) successfully patched " 6 ) If you got the message, press any key, and then press number 0. 7 ) [optional]Rename your recently patched rom, e.g Inazuma Eleven 3 Spark(patched) 8 ) After that, run no$gba, and load the game(your recently patched rom) 9 ) Press F11, change the 'Reset/Startup Entrypoint' to 'GBA BIOS(Nintendo Logo)' , and press Ok. 10) Just after you pressed 'Ok', click 'reset' or '*' on the keyboard. 11) This should make the emulator run through the Bios, select the game, and Enjoy. Tested this myself, should be working on Bomber version as well.
Did you follow all the steps? Make sure biosnds7.rom, biosnds9.rom, and Biosgba.rom are placed in your no$gba folder, If you didn't have it, download the full package from the link I posted previously.
Did the rom successfully encrypted? I'm not sure which steps you did wrong, but change the 8th-11th steps to this, - Run no$gba, load any game(not the encrypted rom) - go to Emulation Setup(or press F11) - Change the 'Reset/Startup Entrypoint' to 'GBA BIOS(Nintendo Logo)' , and press Ok. - Go to Option again, and click 'save options' - Restart the emulator - and load the encrypted rom, the emulator should load through the Bios Make sure to use No$zoomer when playing the game.
Where can we download Inazuma Eleven 3 Spark that does not hang?? Because other of my downloads on this game hangs Please Reply....