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Improving Romulation's Community

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iamlegend, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    The boards have been pretty slow since the site came back up...
    This is more than likely because people don't know we're back....but also we should be trying to
    get new members to the forum.
    People don't have a reason to come here....they get their roms and go away...
    I find myself that alot of topics on the boards are too technical...I cant understand them...maybe thats the case with other people too..

    I think we as Romulation regulars, should start using the General Discussion section more...and talk about (*shock**horror*) things other than Emulation...make the forum more accessible to people new to Emulation who dont understand the nitty gritty technical aspects...

    Also, as an incentive to get people posting more...maybe there could be a points bonus for post milestones (25,50,100 etc.)

    Also I think Seph should appoint an elite team of posters...who go join other emulation forums to further the cause of Romulation... ;D
    You could call them the er..." Elite Romulation Ninja's who are really cool and wear capes "
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    how about 'legend's imaginary friends who help him save beautiful princesses in his deluded dreams'? :p
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I don't have time to do much promotion, I already spend much time coding the site and updating roms.
    I'll be happy to hear suggestions on how to improve the site and community, I won't implement it until the new V2 is done though, anything forum related such as user groups is loonies job.

    Here's a thought though:

    Making the site registration to download would get lots of members, they wouldn't post much though.
    What other pros and cons would there be with requiring registration only? And once people have signed up, how do we get them to post on the forum?

    Would scene news posted on the forum and syndicated to the front page help? Would we have enough users who follow the scene to actually have news, and not just ones posted on other news site, something to make us unique?

    A debate about this would be very welcome.
  4. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You wouldn't have to do the promotion...Im sure some of us board users would be more than happy to help out.
    We would need shiny new titles though... :D

    Making registration required could be a doubled edged sword..
    On the one hand it could attract more forum users...on the other...it could cause people to hit the back button as fast as they can

    As for scene news...
    What kind of news are we talking ?
    Like - " Today, Loonylion and iamlegend had a chat about FFX...it was very interesting
    Join the forum to find out more... " :D
    That wouldn't do us many favours..

    A debate would be good...but we need posters for a debate...
    And so we come back to how to attract more forum users...
    (I hate these vicious cycle thingys ::))
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    No I mean like when a new emulator version is released, or new cracked PSP firmware etc. Requires that a group of people keep a watch on sources so we get the news posts first.
  6. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    That would be good...but I dont see how it would attract new users to the forums..
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    well the idea was that I would syndicate the news from the forum so that when users went to comment they would be taken to the forum, perhaps then they'd explore further in.
  8. Golden Falcon

    Golden Falcon Active Member

    I saw we add a shoutbox.... Shoutbox fixes all problems ::) ::) ::) ::)
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that was considered at one point, but we decided against it
  10. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I think the forum is perfect the way it is...simple...not too cluttered up with stuff
    ...probably the best Ive come across..
    The problem is getting people to use it
  11. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    if you want a bigger community i think you shoud delete the point system
    people are coming here just to download roms
    i think they dont want to do alot of stuff before they can download a rom
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Without a point system we'd use way too much bandwidth and we'd have to upgrade the connection even further. At this point this is not an option.

    Besides, we already run NDS/GBA etc without points, you don't really see a lot of them coming in to chat.
  13. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Yeah...if there was no points system...even less people would come to the forum's...
    They'd just get their roms/iso's and piss off...
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Like 99% of them do anyway, you mean?
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We'll change that around soon enough. We just need to fix a few things first then we can focus on the community.
  16. JayKay

    JayKay Member


    Maybe its not a bad thing! Romulation is the only joint I know that offers Rom's proper its like 100% coke, very hard to come by. Everyone else is trying to con you into pop-ups and votes only to waste your time downloading a corrupt rom or iso...for what?!Maybe I'm just rambling on like teh crazy man I am, cos I don't even know what the site's focus or goals are, But what I do know is that just like ol' school Hip hop records, they need to be hard to come by and only found by those who truly apreciate the artform instead of what I can get from it.
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Our goal is to allow people to try game before they buy. It's easy to get a demo for a PC game, not so easy to get a demo for a console or handheld game, especially not those which use special carts such as the GBA/NDS/N64 etc.

    It's our belief that no person should ever have to download something said person has never tested before. You don't buy meat you haven't checked wasn't rotten either.
  18. JayKay

    JayKay Member

    Hey that happened once.... :-[...thank God for my Wolverine healing factor ;D
    Bu I hear your point..you gotta try out your clothes before you know it fits..except for undies
  19. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    i think thats the best strategy for now
    first repair/build your ''service'' before trowing it in the public
    its better then doing it the other way around dont you think? :)
  20. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    Can I hear and Amen!

    And we've had this people registering to download-not posting after that problem. It's always there and can rarely, if at all, be erased completely.

    But we can try to make one rare case here eh?