sorry to rain on peoples parades, but at the risk of being banned, i present a link. this shows the legal side of the are roms legal debate. this, in plain english basicilly states that pulling the game off the cartridge, and distributing it is illegal. HOWEVER, it isn't a serious offense. Tell me what you think. Are roms legal? or not? Should roms be legal? Rom hacking? Tell me what you think.
roms are not legal unless you own the real cartridge and console, same goes for isos. i don't really care if they're legal or not, i'll keep using them as i have for five-six years. but if they do become legal, then that's one pain in the ass i don't need to care about. rom hacking is not legal i think, i believe it violates something as copyright or something. but goes the same as above.
pulling it off the cartridge is not illegal, consumers have the right to create backups for their own use. Downloading and/or distributing is illegal.
a little clarification. own the game? you can make a backup copy of THAT game. you cannot download a copy of the same game. it has to be ripped from your original. rom hacking is not illegal as long as an ips file is released, not the rom
you can't. Downloading is specifically illegal. Roms are only legal if you produced them yourself from the cartridge you own. Yes, we've never said RomUlation is legal; it isn't.
Yeah,I found a site that if you want to download it must be for backup purpose or delete it after 24 hours.
i don't think they can MAKE you delete it after 24 hours (unless they hack your computer), neither can they make you use it for backup purposes.
thats a load of crap, there's no law saying its legal for 24 hours. it is illegal whether you have it 24 seconds, 24 hours or 24 weeks.