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Image: Makeup Artist and Imagine: Boutique Owner

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by ScarAngel, May 29, 2009.

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  1. ScarAngel

    ScarAngel New Member

    I was wondering if anyone has seen these on the site at all?
    Please let me know. Thanks'.
  2. You mean actually play it? Yeah.. They're on here. I played them~

    Linkies| (Cuz I feel nice today|)

    Imagine Boutique Owner- https://www.romulation.org/NDS/3994_-_Imagine_Boutique_Owner_(U)(SUXXORS).rar.html/
    Imagine Makeup Artist- https://www.romulation.org/NDS/3826_-_Imagine_Makeup_Artist_(U)(M2)(BAHAMUT).rar.html/

    And if you like Imagine Makeup Artist, you can play Cosmetic Paradise! It`s so similar because Imagine Makeup Artist is the english version of Cosmetic Paradise : Make no Kiseki. The first one is called Cosmetic Paradise. The link I`ll give you is the European version of Cosmetic Paradise, but it has an english version! Enjoy!

    Cosmetic Paradise- https://www.romulation.org/NDS/3080_-_Cosmetic_Paradise_(E)(M3)(XMS).rar.html/
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...lucky this is here I suppose.

    Rom request are meant to be in "rom request' thread, but if it has yet to come out the thread would be locked and reason why explained.

    I had one locked before :(
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