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I'm using and R4-II Upgrade, but The World Ends With You rom freezes

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by tymaishu25, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. tymaishu25

    tymaishu25 Member

    The WeWY rom just freezes after the frog fight, and everyone says that the rom is supposed to work on R4, can someone help me out here?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    this isn't a site bug, moved.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Freezes = Too slow SD memory, back up your saves and format your card. If that doesn't help then you'll need to buy a new one.
  4. lepermessiah

    lepermessiah Active Member

    I have a similar problem it freezes at the same point every time and like FFIV and stuff runs fine.

  5. tymaishu25

    tymaishu25 Member

    well, i'm using a lexar micro sd 2G, I'll try your idea, thanks

    actually, i can't seem to get it to work either way, oh well
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's probably since your MicroSD isn't fast enough. That's why you choose either Kingston or Sandisk as they are the best brands.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It could of course be an error with the flash cart firmware, but naturally you've kept that up-to-date; right?
  8. tymaishu25

    tymaishu25 Member

    well, i guess it's the micro sd, since i have the latest firmware

    but, how come other games can play on my ds? well, so far, i've only had problems with two games: Mario RPG (with the emu) and World Ends...
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's because the newer games aren't as compatible as older games are supported by current firmware, and the current firmware can't run the new games fully or at all. This only happens with some games though. I guess you are talking about Super Marito RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars? It's probably not compatible with the SNES emulator you're using.
  10. tymaishu25

    tymaishu25 Member

    well, it turns out that the "R4-II upgrade is a fake, it's actually an n5 that has an R4 label. So, I'm guessing that World Ends is not compatible with n5??

    Let this serve as a warning to those who buy R4 on amazon...

    i'm going to see if i can return this abomination, in the meantime, does anyone know a good place to buy an r4?
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    deal-extreme.com and gadget-asia.com are good. If the R4 isn't compatible with WEWU, the N5 won't be compatible as it's an exact clone, even look at the firmware, the latest N5 firmware is 1.17.
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I've said it before but I guess I'll have to say it again. Don't buy an R4! Get a CycloDS, it's a tiny bit more expensive but it's definitely worth it, I never have any issues with games not being playable.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes CycloDS is better than R4. I haven't seen a new CycloDS firmware released for a while now, as they don't need to as all ROMS work perfectly. Get it if you are impatient. Looks like your flashcart wins Seph :p
  14. tymaishu25

    tymaishu25 Member

    cyclods? sounds interesting... do you know a good site to buy one? I just don't want to buy another clone....
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    CycloDS is said to be a clone of the Supercard and vice-versa, same like the R4 and M3 Simply being the same. It still works very fine though.

    You can get it good from here http://www.realhotstuff.com/cyclods-c-61.html If you get it though, make sure you get a Kingston or Sandisk MicroSD from Amazon.com, as other unheard of MicroSDs don't tend to work well with the CycloDS.
  16. Red_Manflame

    Red_Manflame Member

    i got it working u have 2 close your ds just at the right spots but believe me its a hassle but it is a wicked game so keep trying until your battery dies
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