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I'm on Romulation for 2 months already but new on the forum

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by anoniemm, Jan 18, 2010.

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  1. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Hello everyone, 8)

    First I want to say that I'm from the Netherlands. My worst subject on school is English (also German and French but I dropped those two terrible subjects when I went to the 4 year), so my English is very bad. (For example, I'm making this message with a dictionary, on internet... :-[)
    I try hard to make it better but I prefer math above languages and that says a lot ('cause mathamatics is bad either :eek:)

    As you already could read, I'm in the 4th year of what we call in the Netherlands 'havo'. At the moment, I can't find the words to explain what 'havo' is, I'm sorry :(
    I'm 15 years old, and I'm born in China :D ! I'm adopted so that's why I'm living in the Netherlands now. Oh, and I'm a girl. Forgot to tell that :)

    Also on school I'm following the subject Informatics. I'm in a class with 29 other boys and I'm the only girl... Not very fun but! I get the highest marks (is that the good word? I dunno :-\) for test and for things like apart (?) a computer and assembling it again. I've made a website either, but I'm still waiting for that mark.
    Since I was 11 I made (parts) of websites (for myself, on a site. Not a website like this!! :p). I figured the codes by myself (get a code from someone else and study that code until I know, at least 75%, what every part of the code means).

    Maybe I'll follow a study in making websites, webdesigner (1,5 year highschool to go). But then I have to travel 1,5 hour to the school then so I'm looking around for another things. I saw a training for 'media technoloog', the dictionary has no description of that :-[ but then I'll work with computers (and other stuff like that) either.

    Why am I on Romulation?
    Well, I was looking for some games for my Nintendo. I bought 2 months ago my first R4 card (actually I wanted to buy it a year earlier but I was a little bit lazy... ;D). Then I start searching for a good website where I could download the most, best games. And that's how I came by Romulation!
    For 2 months I download only games, nothing more. But now I'm free from school and I'm alone at home and bored. So I figured out that there was a forum to and I became curious (that's not the truth. I have to learn 7 pages with English words and I hate that. I thought that being on a English site/forum a good alternative was.)

    Uhmm.. Is there more I could tell?
    I like music! I've got an Ipod and there are a little bit more than 500 songs on it. For some people is that much, others say that they have around the 1800 songs... I think that 500 is quite much for me ;D
    I like listening to the radio, but it have to be a good one. If I hear the same song(s) over and over then I'll turn the radio off . :)

    Aii, I saw that this already is a very very long text so I think I should stop telling much more :-[
    In real life I talk a lot either, except when I'm in a bad mood ::)


    (Anoniem is the Dutch translation for anonymous :p)

    (I edit my message because of some huge mistakes :-[ )
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomU.
    Did you just typed out your whole life story there...?
    You're younger then me ::)
  3. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    haha. kind of ::)
    I just like to do something else than learning stupid English words (I'm sorry, but I just forget them right after I learned them :eek:)

    like that I'm not the only 'young' person (let's say, under 20? ::)) between all that old stuff with a lot of experience here :p
    Do you have a lot of experience?
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    There are alot of members that are under 20
    And depends on what experience it is ::)
  5. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Oh, I'm sorry. My mistake.
    This is the first day that I appear on the forum :p

    Uhmm... Downloading games, about websites. I dunno, the kind of experience that you need here?

    (Do you know someone here that's younger that me? Or the same age? Or am I the youngest here? :()
  6. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    There's a 10 years old here,so you're not the youngest. ::)
    Umm,do you speak any Chinese?
  7. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Good question.
    I did, when we (my 'legal' father and mother, and my also adopted younger sister) went to China for a month. But that's already 4 years ago. We had a little dictionary with us, and in that where simple words to learn ::)
    And my sister and me watched Chinese tv in the hotel. So after a month we could say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and we could say hello and goodbye in Chinese. We also could say 'No thank you' to annoying sellers that are walking on the street and want you to buy some stupid, useless stuff...
    But I forgot it, and now I can only write somethings (5 things not more :p)

    Can you make graphics? I just read a forum topic about that ::)
  8. caoruu

    caoruu Active Member

    welcome to Romulation,Hope you have Fun
    here in the Forum
    Btw im also 15 from
    Philippines nice to meet you
  9. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Heh,I forgot how to write most Chinese words,but I can still read and speak well (Chinese myself)

    Oh,and don't forget to read the rules
    I'm sure you don't want to get in trouble...do you? ::)
  10. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Hey, thank you!
    Nice to meet someone with my age ;D
    Philippines, that's how I can call you?
    (Yeah, I'm stupid. I know :-[
    it just because of talking English that I'm getting a little bit confused :()
  11. caoruu

    caoruu Active Member

    you can call me anyway you want but i prefer caoruu Btw you should do what Groh said
  12. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    Re: I\'m on Romulation for 2 months already but new on the forum

    Oh wauw, I wanted to get lessons Chinese but then I also have to travel an hour and the lesson would take the whole saterday for a few months. And I do some other sports too so that wasn't possible :(

    and thank you, I start reading them now. (I was looking around so that's why I haven't read them yet ::))
    Post Merge: [time]1263816824[/time]
    Alright, caoruu ::)
    Thanks for the advice, I'm reading them now :D

    and I already see that I'm too slow with making my message :-[
  13. caoruu

    caoruu Active Member

    Re: I\'m on Romulation for 2 months already but new on the forum

    well i only know 3 language's
    one Japanese
    Two English
    Three Filipino(this is where Im best In)
    Post Merge: [time]1263817243[/time]
    dont worry you'll get the hang of it in no time(or.....maybe....)
  14. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    :eek: Wauw,
    I'm impressed!
    Don't you have to learn other language's at school? Or did you learned Japanese and Filipino at school?
    And you're English, or born somewhere else?

    By the way,
    there is something in the rules that I don't understand:
    '- All content submitted by a user must adhere to a PG-13 guideline.'
    what is PG-13?

    'Proper English must be used, spelling errors are, naturally, allowed but abbreviating words such as please, thanks and sorry is not accepted. If you can't bother to make an effort then don't bother at all. This type of language is often referred to as SMS language.'

    Means that that you're not allowed to say thanks, or say only thanks in a message?
  15. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    PG-13 means it must be safe for 13 years and above (Like no sex and stuff)

    Second one means you can not type internet speak.

    An example

    "So u liek dat 2 lol"

    Basically just type proper English.
  16. caoruu

    caoruu Active Member

    the rules mean's you have to have a parent beside you while in forum
    and the other one is you cant use or tell bad words to other user's or you'll get banned

    and for me i learn japanese cuz my little brother is a japanese and we sometime hear alot and then
    we already know it
  17. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    welcome, pleasure to meet you
  18. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member


    Gezellig om er nog een Nederlandse bij te hebben :D

    Veel plezier op het forum ;)

    (Hi nice to see an other Dutch person here, have fun on the forum)
  19. anoniemm

    anoniemm Active Member

    You're little brother speaks English either?
    It's cool that you speak those two foreign languages (saying it right?)!
    Is it easy (easier) for you to learn a different languages?

    Alright, I think I can handle that. I try hard to learn (at least the basics of) English, so type SMS-language is much harder I think ::)

    Because that you speak and read Chinese, is that because you are born in China? Or did you learned it for another reason?
  20. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I've never been to China before.
    I went to a Chinese Primary and Secondary school (Total 11 years) so I can speak Chinese(Mandrine,my Hokkien and Cantonist are not very good)
    At first I hated it,but now I'm grateful my father send me to a Chinese school.
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