What one should I get? I don't want to get the PSP 3000 But with PSP 1000 and PSP 2000 What one is better for Battery life, And yeah stuff like that. ( I still am half asleep and don't know what I'm talking about... Maybe. )
Get the 1001...the fat... Cheaper, more durable, and better battery life.... As far as I know, you can only downgrade the slim with a pandora/mms... With the fat, there's exploits for anything up to 3.5 OFW
is it still a good idea to get a PSP. It's been out for a while and won't it die out soon? I mean there aren't too many games being released these days (or at all for that matter), so is it really worth it or are Sony just trying to milk it right now at its life's end?
Ah, I planned on getting the PSP Fat, With a 4-8 gig chip. =|‡) Will i be able to mod it without any problem with an 8Gig?
As long as it is an official Magic Gate supported memory card you can downgrade it fine. I have a black PSP-1001 and GoW PSP-2001 and both are modded and great. No reason not to get it, even if the games are slowing down for it (Which it really doesn't seem like) there are many great games out there already along with a HUGE homebrew support. (NES, SNES, GB/C, SMS, Ect.) I like the feel of my 'sturdier' feeling 1001 but carrying around the 2001 one is better. Be aware that some of the newer batches of the 2001 are unable to downgrade.
only the newer TA-088V3 motherboards are unable to downgrade. there are still slims on sale that are below this version, though personally id go with the phat, then the the slim is slightly faster.
Im going to go with the Phat, The extra weight is good on my wrists. I will be getting it for x Mas, And when i get a job ill has a PS3 =3 Ill be expecting to play against Calvin-0 in Little Big Planet. =3