I'm back on the forums. Been busy with mid-terms and everything, but the second semester started with all new classes so I have more free time now! Anyways, I'm looking for a good [free] program to use for editing photos AND videos. I've seen GIMP, it's not bad, and I used AVS video editor... but I need something that's free, and also useful. Looking around some more and I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for PhotoShop and After Effects from Adobe... Any suggestions?
after effects is not an editing program. premiere is, but sony vegas is much cheaper and better (roughly £200). Free, the only video editor (aside from windows movie maker, which is shit) is virtualdub.
I checked out Virtualdub and it's not so great either. I'll save up for Vegas over the next few weeks. Thanks alot, LoonyLion.
I fully agree. Vegas is really simple to learn. It'll take a while to get the basics down, but after a while of editing it's really powerful.