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I'm a nerd who needs questions answered!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JohnnieBob, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    Hey guys!
    Due to my inquisitive nature, I'm always looking for new knowledge.
    I have come to learn in the short while I was on the forum, the other users are a very smart :)
    For this reason, I have asked quite a few questions on here (With many more to come :D). Can you guys give me further knowledge?
    I have several questions :)
    [list type=decimal]
    • Do blind people (Blind from birth) have dreams as they sleep?
    • Is anorexia considered a mental illness or Physical illness?
    • Are words like 'fluffy' and 'sparkling' onomatopoeias in Japanese?
    • Is 140 a high IQ score for a 15 year old?
    • Can chickens fly? If not, why can't they?

    Yes, I know, these are trivial and considered mundane (Is this the correct use for 'mundane'?) by many, but I'm interested in random information. :)

    Thanks for taking the time to read and possibly answer. :D
  2. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    •Do blind people (Blind from birth) have dreams as they sleep? i don't know.
    •Is anorexia considered a mental illness or Physical illness? Mental.
    •Are words like 'fluffy' and 'sparkling' onomatopoeias in Japanese? Dunno.
    •Is 140 a high IQ score for a 15 year old? Hell yeah!
    •Can chickens fly? If not, why can't they? They can, but the ususal conditions of their life means that they are to heavy to fly.
  3. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    Thanks :D
    I especially like the answer to "is 140 a high IQ for a 14 year old?" :D
  4. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    No problem,
    Well it was kind of obvious as my IQ is around 120-130 and I'm only 13, and mine is considered very high for my age.
  5. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    ...I think I love you.

    Oh, and as for the blind dreams question: yes. Though, you can't see anything of course... just hear and feel.
    As far as I know "kira" is a sound-effect that when accompanied by sparkles, signifies... sparkles, I guess. Or maybe that was just in that one manga I read. I'd like to tell you more but I don't usually read manga with sparkles on the pages...

    And before you ask about black boxes and why 'planes aren't made out of them: it's because the material is too heavy.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Do blind people (Blind from birth) have dreams as they sleep?

    -Why not? They will just visualize something different probably. Without knowing the exact shape or color of something, the only choice that they are left with is to imagine what things really look like beyond their sense of touch. There is a blind member on here I believe...he can play video games.

    Is anorexia considered a mental illness or Physical illness?

    -Anorexia is a mental condition that affects both male and female alike.

    Can chickens fly? If not, why can't they?

    -No, they can not fly. Chickens are too heavy and have lost the ability of flight over longer distances because they forage on the ground for food, and humans have been taking care of them for a few millenia. The best they can do is flutter into a tree.

    Is 140 a high IQ score for a 15 year old?

  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Do blind people (Blind from birth) have dreams as they sleep? Yes. But I guess they'd dream of things based on what they feel, so colors and other visual traits would be different.

    Is anorexia considered a mental illness or Physical illness?
    No idea scientifically. But based on what I've heard, It's both. Your mind doesn't want you to eat, and your body just won't take the nourishment in.

    Are words like 'fluffy' and 'sparkling' onomatopoeias in Japanese?
    What object or animal or person makes the sound "fluffy" and "sparkling"?

    Is 140 a high IQ score for a 15 year old?
    Yes it is. It's pretty high for any age, because technically no matter what age you are, you're stuck with your IQ.

    Can chickens fly? If not, why can't they?
    They can't. They flail in the air for about a couple seconds then fall to the ground. I don't know the scientific explanation, but from what I see, I guess it's because their body masses are too big to be lifted off the ground for true flight by their wings.
  8. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    in fact, it seems you already know the answers to the questions.
    I think the questions you put them to measure the intelligence of users.
    sensilla dedusco so that the questions anyway, but even my paranoid always possible
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I heard wild chickens can fly but for a brief period only. These wild chickens are not that heavy due to their wild diet unlike the local domesticated chicken which lives only to serve KFC.
  10. wbslider

    wbslider Guest

    •Do blind people (Blind from birth) have dreams as they sleep?

    I assume they do. Because there brain and stuff is just like a normal human only that they cant see. I would say they would be able to dreeeaam.
  11. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    [*]Do blind people (Blind from birth) have dreams as they sleep?


    [*]Is anorexia considered a mental illness or Physical illness?


    [*]Are words like 'fluffy' and 'sparkling' onomatopoeias in Japanese?

    I do not speak Japanese. Though based on the English detention, I highly doubt it. Unless some Pokémon farts and it sounds like fluffy.

    [*] Is 140 a high IQ score for a 15 year old?

    I suppose. Though the IQ of our generation has risen so 100 is no longer a norm among society; What with education being as good as it is today.

    [*]Can chickens fly? If not, why can't they?

    If you are talking about domestic chickens, then they can flutter about. Wild chickens can flutter about for a longer time period, so I would assume that would come under the definition of 'Flying'.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it's mental. The physical situation of rejecting food is the result of not eating, so the physical condition is merely a symptom of the mental.
  13. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I answered with no prior research, just based on schemata. Glad to be corrected.
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Most of your questions have already being answered, but I'd like to give my own answer to this one:
    You used the word "considered" which begs the question 'considered by whom?'. There are organisations in America(where else?) that actually promote anorexia.

    As you may have gathered from the answers however, it is generally considered a mental condition. The physical manifestation that often accompanies anorexia is called bulimia.