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If your favorite games were merged...

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by AstroGod, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    ... what would it be called?

    Ex: Mine would be called Skating Gears of Halo 3: Pokemon at War
    (Skate 2, Gears of War 2, Halo 3, CoD: WaW, Pokemon)
  2. forneus1942

    forneus1942 Well-Known Member

    Mine would be... Tales of Fire Phantasy: Seven Stars to the Past no Densetsu 3 & Knuckles

    (Tales of series, Fire Emblem, Phantasy Star, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, TLoZ: A Link to the Past, Seiken Densetsu 3, Sonic 3 & Knuckles)

    It's quite a long name ^^
  3. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Okami Heroes of Namco X Capcom III - G.U. Saga :D

    (Okami, Heroes of M&M III, Namco X Capcom, .hack//G.U.) ::)
  4. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    .Kingdom//G.U.//vol.Final Chronicles

    (Those dots and slashes and the G.U. came from .Hack, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Steambot Chronicles. ;D
  5. Tian Maut

    Tian Maut Well-Known Member

    Need for Fantasy ..

    Need for Speed and Final Fantasy
  6. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I gotta say my Dream game to merge would be seeing all smashbros Charecters in Glorious hand drawn 2D by Merging these two games
    Capcom VS Nintendo or just CapcomXsmashbros I know it sounds stupid but would sellout like hotcakes and would make me super excited and just seeing Link Vs Ryu Megaman X Mario in the Intro would give me a nerdgasm

    also another game would be seeing Sonic and Mario [NOT Olympic games!!] Sonic and Mario [Insert EPIC title nam here]
    With a good Story! for once.. and not devolped by sega and not written/cut scenes by nintendo
    Something on the lines of what happen with Sonic X the animated series but instead Sonic and mario's world get merged or something like that and somehow Bowser and eggman Team up for Ultmate Power ohh and no Team/gimmick side charecters to play as only mario and sonic durring parts of the game

    OHHH my bad XD I noticed what this thread is about lol ohh well I typed so much I'm not gonna remove it lol so heres a new list

    No more Sonic Heroes lol

    Halo Modern Gears of warfare

    Fable frame 2

    God of fantasy
  7. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    .Hack//Kingdom Star Bros.
    Super Kingdom Phantasy//Sign

    (DotHack Series, Kingdom Hearts[includes FF], Phantasy Star, Smash Bros)
    It would be like and an Action/Adventure RPG
  8. N3o3k7

    N3o3k7 Well-Known Member

    Mine would be
    Final Dragon Hearts : twilight Galexy
    (final fantasy, dragon quest, kingdom hearts, LoZ: twilight princess, super mario galexy
  9. masterdude3000

    masterdude3000 Active Member

    Little Tales of Kingdom mario, harvest tengen Gears of twilight Fantasy 2

    Little kings story, Tales (series), Kingdom hearts, Mario (series), Harvest moon, GoW, Zelda twighlight princess, Final Fantasy(series), Cod 4 modwarfare 2.
  10. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Final Wing-Turrican Gradius-Commander !

    (A yummy-crossover between "Turrican", "Final Fantasy" , "Wing Commander" and "Gradius" XD)
  11. super call of attorney's creed bros: the elder jack and clank's donkey kong country scrolls' party of Persia

    (super mario bros, call of duty, assasin's creed, the elder scrolls: oblivion, jack and daxter, ratchet and clank, donkey kong country, mario party, prince of persia)


    but what would it be about?
  12. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    kingdom hearts, half life 2, freespace, splintercell, rainbow six, starfox, starcraft, command and conquer, age of empires, tales of symphonia, super smash bros.,

    tales of fox : free age of star command craft: splinter smash six half life hearts space 2

    if its the games i most play now

    half hearts 2: kingdom life
  13. N3o3k7

    N3o3k7 Well-Known Member

    i think the other way around sounds better
    kingdom life 2 : half hearts
  14. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    half life heart 2: kingdoms
  15. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    Dragon Legend: Twilight Halo
    (Dragon Ball Z, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Halo)
  16. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    Resident Dead or Left for Evil
    (resident evil & left for dead)

    Kingdom of Zelda or The Legend of Hearts (nah, it sounds ridiculous)
    (LoZ & kingdom hearts)
  17. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Demon's War: The Quest for the Ocarina of the Dragon.

    (Demon's Souls, God of War, Dragon Quest,Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time,and Dragon Age Origins)

    Mega Castlefantasy IV

    (Megaman (series) Castlevania (series) and Final Fantasy IV)
  18. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    call of pokemon Dracula version

    (call of duty pokemon and Castlevania)
  19. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Legend of Final Kingdom Narubleach
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    God of Wii

    God of War + NSMBW