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If GBATemp did not exist would RomUlation?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1prinnydood, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    You have it; we in RomU can talk about GBATemp but they cannot talk about us; we can provide them with much moneys through clicks but not the other way round. So if GbaTemp died today would RomU suffer?
  2. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    I dunno. All the patches and stuff are mostly compiled there. I wonder where should I look for them if it's down... :( I'm waiting for a few translation patches you see, especially ASH, it sounds very well-made. :)
  3. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I don't think something as dramatic as that would happen, there'd perhaps be a slight slowdown or something.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Err now? GBATemp does nothing for RomUlation. They're not even responsible for releasing games, they just list them, work on cheats and patches etc. No doubt they're doing a good job but RomUlation is in no dependant on them. Not to mention that RomUlation has like 4 or 5 times the visitors that GBATemp does...
  5. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I agree that GBATemp does nothing for RomU apart from being a referral site for almost all problems with firmeware / patching/ and cheat codes....Lets face it allot of the times a fix for an AP problem is sent to GBATemp.

    RomUlation is not where people get their fixes for AP infused roms. In some way this is good, RomU has never been about getting free roms, but always about trying things out(unless they are DSI enhanced roms). Go buy the Rom (if it fucks up your firmwhare), GBATemp can help you more than here,(all the mods refer to GBATemp) and if its DSI enhanced then go eleswhere.

    Please Seph do not suppose you could host support questions without referral to GBATemp. I love RomU to bits and have never been a member of GBATemp. Let's suppose GBATemp is both a leach site and essential to RomU
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not claiming that RomU is developing the patches or even contributing to it. But there are a few issues here.

    1) GBATemp is not creating it, people at GBATemp are. If GBATemp did not exist these people would do it somewhere else.
    2) If no one was created patches people would finally have to get rid of their dated R4, firecards and whatever other flash carts still exist out there that no one is updating any more. People would have to switch to acekard or cycloDS and we'd all be happier.

    GBATemp is great, but it's not keeping RomU alive. Just like RomU is great, but it's not keeping GBATemp alive. If either of these sites were to not exists another site would take over, or if not a site then a product.

    A fundamental rule of this world is that if there's a need then someone is going to solve it, for financial or personal reasons - doesn't really matter, but someone is going to do it.
  7. That my friends would be bad .
  8. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Reverse that question, and think about it then.
    It's not a competition, as each has their fair claim to an open market. But of all sites I had to visit, by far this is the most user friendly. That takes some decent skill to micromanage the Rom dumps, as well as the forum.
  9. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Someone will do it... eventually. I agree for the most part. There may be a slight slowdown, a ton of patches come from GBATemp, people would have to replace them and so on. And who will keep on updating the cheats? That is somewhat laborious, and a lot of people are slackers...
  10. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    romulation would still exist with a slight to minimal slowdown... I download roms for my PC and you can get patches-acecards-walkthroughs on other sites
  11. kidopitz27

    kidopitz27 Member

    I just visit GBAtemp for translation purposes even if gbatemp doesn't exists i could just wait for the official release besides we visit them for cheats not a good thing if you are a hardcore gamer(cheating spoils the gaming experience even if you are in a pinch don't use them think of the other ways to do it ^.^) V peace out
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Cheating, is best used to 'enhance' a game, not to ruin it. If you've beaten the game, and you're using codes to do palate swaps, sprite swaps, or modifying something(read: mad scientist) then it's all gravy. But nine million of one item, or infinite anything, breaks the core of the game itself.

    RomU is it's own machine and it stands alone in the area for which it's know for.
    Add to that a great community, and you have a reason to stay.