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If a patch is needed in the details section

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by sir eagle1, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. sir eagle1

    sir eagle1 Member

    there are a lot of games that need patches to work correctly on certain falshcards. i had an idea that if a patch is needed you can put the name of the patch, or the link to it or something like that in the details section of the ROM.
    u get my poit señores e señoritas (did i spell that right?)
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Usually they would just be posted in the Comments.
  3. Nintendude92

    Nintendude92 Well-Known Member

    I think thats a good idea. Could possibly cut-back on "omg game no work" posts.

    "This game is known to not work on several flashcards, but there is a fix for it." "Find it here, *link*"
    Right in the rom info. My acekard update and patch themselves, but this would be such a good thing for those with slightly-outdated cards. Thats just me though.
  4. XxNanochixX

    XxNanochixX Member

    That would be nice ^_^ Haha