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Idolmaster Dearly Stars (DSi Enhanced) Prob

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Nickpick24, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Nickpick24

    Nickpick24 Member

    Okay, I downloaded the game from this very site, but the game keeps looping you in the main menu when I'm trying to play the story mode on my no$gba 2.6a. It works on Desmume but I don't like the idea of playing laggy games so... any help?
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    This game has AP

    But I have not downloaded the game.

    And not sure if the addresses of AP fix can be placed into ROM .

    Jez, 227.04 Mb xd, so not downloading xd


    If RGF is here later maybe he could help on this issue ?.

    Maybe it might support adress 0x02000010 since JP ROM

    And hook it up at 0x02016C98 04 F0 1F E5 10 00 00 02

    if ram start at 0x4000 then 0x02004010
  3. farcry31

    farcry31 Well-Known Member

    just use ds-scene tool patch is in there
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    This can help newbs also farcry ;)

  5. Nickpick24

    Nickpick24 Member

    Patched, but it didn't work for me. :( It's still stuck at the main menu.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Tried running the patched rom using No$Zoomer? It's an extension of No$GBA. Most new games are made playable via that program if one prefer to still use No$GBA over DeSmuMe. Though don't ask me further about it, I've not downloaded the rom, nor have I tried playing that game. Never did, never will. Do test it yourself.
  7. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    ^Why can't people use DeSmuME? It's so much better.
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Stereotype, afraid of trying new things. :p
    We know how good the emulator emulates a rom is mostly dicated by the computer spec it runs on, but noobs don't know that. Can't blame their not knowing that No$GBA been abandoned over a year or so, while DeSmuMe still gets updated and getting better all the time.
  9. Nickpick24

    Nickpick24 Member

    -_- Desmume lags and I'm currently using a laptop (even it can be played on Desmume... I want quality gameplay, unless I'm running out of options I won't use Desmume yet).
    Also I am using No$Zoomer with 2.6a. It's a no go.
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try fiddling with the No$GBA setting, through No$Zoomer.
    The lagging with emulators as I said earlier, due to it being dicatated by the computer spec it's running on. Especially since you're trying to play a DSi enhanced rom, it could be a bit lagging than other. Changing the 'frame rate', 'disable sound', close background programs, etc. could help a little to improve the game play quality. Emulators rely on it's host computer spec, it'll never be as good as when run on the console. So bear with it if upgrading your computer isn't an option.
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Next tine I get down to a publick library, I'll download and see what can be done.

    Only thing I hate about library is their lack of NET Framework, some of my program's on my 16GB USB storage device, will not work.

    So manly and try and re upload maybe fixed version.
  12. Nickpick24

    Nickpick24 Member

    So uh... You mean you'll find what's hindering the rom?
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Jhon, no need to do the testing for him/her. I've did it on your behalf since you'd probably will resent from having to sacrifice your quota to simply do a test on a 227MB game which is 3 years old. Which we know been fully fixed to run on emulators, and a proper patching offset been made. So, I though I'd give it a bit of a peek to find out. My comment about the game after playing it for awhile? The game got bloody long dialogs...so irritating.

    Is this the rom? : https://www.romulation.org/roms/NDS/4187-Idolmaster-Dearly-Stars,-The-(Dsi-Enhanced)-(J).rar/
    It's 227Mb in size, and in Japanese. According to Gamefaq.com, it's released in 2009.

    Anyway, I downloaded it and did some testing to find out first hand;
    1. Tested patching the rom on DS-Scene Tool (run as admin). Found no problem; sucessfully patched.
    2. Ran the patched rom on No$GBA via No$Zoomer, and DeSmuMe, both run smooth, no lags, saw some pixeled
    images but ignorable, no looping, save file created just fine, and re-loading of the saved file was also working fine.
    3. Ran the un-patched rom on No$GBA via No$Zoomer, and DeSmuMe, turn out on both same result, no looping,
    some pixeled images but ignorable, save file created and re-loaded just fine.

    Did you set the save file size to EEPROM 64Kbyte in the No$GBA Settings? You should. Don't set it to 'AUTO' either.
    a. the blue screen after loading the rom will stay there (the dialog box basically says...it's checking for past save
    file that might exist
    b. you won't be able to sucessfully create a save file later on from inside the game

    So....Nick....tell me,
    1. Where did it looped? What kept reoccuring? Cause I didn't encounter any while running on No$GBA and DeSmuMe
    when I ran both patched and unpatched rom.
    2. How bad is your Japanese?
    If you are lacking in Nihongo, don't play this game since you won't understand anything. Won't be fun.
    The game contains a huge amount of dialogs, through it all, you will be comfronted with 2-3 answer choices.
    Your choice will determine the story line. Without knowing Japanese, what's the use of playing this game?
    Especially some of the choices are using combination of Katakana, Hiragana, and Kanji. The kanji used in the
    game range between grade 1 up to grade 3 level. That's at least 300 kanji on top of the vocabulary and
    grammer. Thus how would you even figure out which button/menu/option means what?! Why I'm saying this?
    Cause the fact is there's really no looping when I tried on both patched and unpatched, so I think the issue
    here is just that you maybe don't know what each button/option/menu means what.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    @ prectorian

    Many thanks, my own PC will not be on until wensday UK time.

    These public library's are limited on where you can download from sadly .

    It's best to patch the ROM using the ROM tool are maybe find a xdeta patch er.

    And upload a link here either to mirrorcrettor / uploadmirrors are mediafire.

    and upload patch ROM URL here.

    maybe he are she could have patched it wrong.
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No, I don't see any need for that.
  16. Nickpick24

    Nickpick24 Member

    Reply is in the quote. Thank you for going through the trouble of testing it. Really. But still I can't solve the aforementioned problem. I'll try changing my emulator since I downloaded it off a Youtube user who uploaded a set of No$gba and Zoomer.

    EDIT: Done. I tried Jhon's No$gba with debugger (I don't use it), and it worked wonder. Thank you all who read the thread, took their time for replies (especially prectorian, who wrote a few long posts, and Jhon, for the emulator).
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Good to know you eventually sort it out. Yeah that's good, if you know enough Japanese then the game will be meaningful, otherwise it'll be like playing blindman catch.