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Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by JayKay, May 11, 2007.

  1. JayKay

    JayKay Member


    Okay I'm going to ask a very stupid question, but then again all wise men were fools at some point so help get there??

    So here we go......(gulp)....Can someone explain to me what a mod is?I've heard of Warcraft mods but didn't know what they were?
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    A mod is short for a modification; it's when a person takes a product and alters it. It can be a NDS or a game. For example; this game Urban Terror is a mod of Quake 3; it alters the graphics and gameplay but still uses originally assets of the game; most often code.

    It could also be modding a Wii to be portable.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    another key point; mods are virtually always made by third parties. A computer mod is doing something physical to your computer to make it different; like adding lights or painting it.
  4. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    so then if i just added a hybrid....light dropper and coolor dirrectly into my computers main board then does that mean i just modded my computer? :p
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    by definition, yes; although most modders would not consider that alone to be worthy of the title.
  6. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    www.wikipedia.com for all your dumb, inside questions! ;D
  7. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Guess so, because there are dumb people writing the articles :p
  8. Flex626

    Flex626 New Member

  9. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    just overclock your cpu and post a video of it catching fire and burning your shed down - then you can be called a modder ;)

    anyway, i have a question - will i see a noticable performance difference if i buy 2 1GB DDR2 ram running at 800 mhz as opposed to the same thing running at 533 mhz?
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, I would expect so.