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Ideas for Super Smash Bros. 4?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Metal-Mario-64, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. If you're thinking that SSB4 will come out, ask your opinions on what should be added/removed. Oh, and you can post your imagination of your own SSB character with all the moves (Like Sora or Megaman).
  2. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    There should be even more unique characters to play with. It's starts to get boring using the same characters constantly. Why not add characters from anime/manga series' such as, Naruto, DBZ etc. (If they can get Snake, they can get anyone!).
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My guess is sega and konami just donated those 2 just to spice things up, however like games Like "D.O.N" in japan, licencing issues might be a problem (nintendo won't pay for those guys...)

    Mega man or some capcom guys might be great if capcom want to try :)

    Gameplay wise not much could be added...I thought the smash ball was a tacky add-on (I hate it!)
  4. alexpk86

    alexpk86 Well-Known Member

    No Naruto or DBZ please! We are talking about characters from Nintendo's history here :|
    I bet Snake is in just because appeals more casual gamers that wouldn't have bought this game otherwise...because it's always about Mario :|

    So until now there are characters from Mario's saga, Kirby's, Donkey Kong's, Earthbound's, Metroid's, Zelda's, Fire Emblem's...
    Megaman and Bomberman are missing...and Contra...and Castlevania.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Post Merge: [time]1261395617[/time]

    Metal gear solid is one of the few hardcore games even the casuals agree it's awsome!

    Have you even played it?
  6. alexpk86

    alexpk86 Well-Known Member

    of course but it's not a Nintendo classic...
    Why the developers decided to put Snake (or Sonic - even though lately is on Nintendo systems) into a Smash Bros. is beyond my comprehension, except the fact that I think it's because they wanted to target more potential buyers.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Plus nintendo had a sort of a partnership with konami...back on the nes days there was heaps on konami games.

    Sega was once nintendo's rival in every way you can think of...it's to say "we are at peace now".
  8. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Snake was admitted to Smash because Hideo Kojima had begged Mr. Sakurai to put him in Melee 8 years ago. Unfortunately, Melee was too far along in development and Sakurai couldn't justify the delay, since Melee was supposed to be a launch title anyway. Fast forward to 2008 and we get him in Brawl. Sonic was a last-minute decision because he ranked highest on the Japanese poll for Most Nominated Newcomer. As you can see in Subspace Emissary, Sonic doesn't even show up until the end, and he's a deus ex machina; the random thing to come out of nowhere and save everyone's ass.

    So in summary:

    Snake was admitted because Kojima begged him back in 2001.
    Sonic was a last-minute decision made due to sheer fan demand.

    Mr. Sakurai has said in an interview (I believe it was one of the Iwata Asks interviews) that he will not be overseeing another Smash Bros. If another Smash is made, it will not be directed by him. This might be a good idea, since Brawl was so poorly balanced.