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Ideas for a ds game?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by papa_moustache, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. not that I'll make it or ask anyone to, but what are your ideas for an awesome ds game? ???
  2. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    I want to bring this idea to Nintendo's attention ASAP: I want an enhanced remake of Super Metroid for the DS that's done in a way that's similar to how Metroid: Zero Mission was an enhanced remake of the original NES Metroid on the Game Boy Advance.
  3. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    I could be here forever writing up a game design I have... If the forums had spoiler tags, I'd consider it. But since they don't, it'd be the Chángchéng of walls o' text.
  4. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    i want a game that's RTS like starcraft, that has 3 races like starcraft, has the same concept like starcraft, and is titled "Starcraft".
  5. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    LQTM...Starcraft is pretty sweet though, I think that a DS game where you can make games would be neat :)
  6. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    You can heavily customize the main character, clothes, length of hair ect.
  7. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    Made in Wario? (or whatever it's called)

    A proper DS game-maker would be fantabulous, though. It'd probably come with a bunch of sprites and sound effects and such - it'd be kind of like the PC program, Game Maker. Awesome.
  8. evildonkeys

    evildonkeys Member

    well ds is special because of its touch screen right? and its dual screen so i say a game where almost anything could happen depending on what u do and what u say to other people and u control what comes around you "the world ends with you" and also it could begining with you
  9. alkotsios

    alkotsios Active Member

    ds games that should be made are:
    1. devil may cry ds
    2. pokemon world(a game with all pokemon and pokemon areas)
    3. dragonball z tenkaishi ds
    4. naruto ultimate ninja ds
    5. jump superstars 3
    6. final fantasy 7 ds
    7. a new megaman
    8. yugioh tag force ds

    probably there are more games that should be released for ds but i can think anymore now
  10. hurl3y1nt

    hurl3y1nt Member

    something like warriors ds, that would epic

    btw, are there any games like warriors on the ds? something with multiplayer would be great
  11. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Another game like dynasty warriors.
  12. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    how about half life 2 on ds?
  13. Elydan

    Elydan Member

    Though those in bold would be great. Considering how much a DS can handle, the games would not be well-incorporated into a DS game.
  14. sfalexl13

    sfalexl13 New Member

    i think that a pikmin game would be perfectly suited for the ds
    and not a watered down remake of one of the 2 originals either
  15. ryosin

    ryosin Active Member

    Not exactly "new", but a Mega Man Battle Network collection would be nice.
    Enhanced music/sound effects, no terrible voice acting, with the option of keeping the original BGM and sounds intact and of course, touch screen integration. It's always been a little wish of mine.
  16. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I want another Mario Kart for the DS, and more RPGs like Dragon Quest and Pokemon for the DS. More DBZ games please! If not that, atleast something that's close to Jump! Ultimate Stars