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Idea I would die for

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Deathbreak911, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I actually found someone who did this once and I was all like "OMG!" and then the site was down and there wasn't any other information on it to be found and I was all like "n0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0"

    The idea I'm talking about, of course, if a ORPG. I keep wishing that someone would hack Rings of Fate or something and do what Ferrit did with Oblivion. Here's how it would work.

    There is a new hacked world created in a game, let's say it's FF Rings of Fate, and you can walk around this world and quest/ bla bla that's usually in the game.

    Then, here comes the cool part. You host the server on a home computer (or, if your fancy, get a dedicated web host, but the last time I got one for a ORPG it was like... over 100$ a month and that sucked >.<) and people connect. When they do, they see themselves as players but everyone else sees them as NPC's (and they are put in everyone elses games as an NPC). A few modifications would have to be made, of course (like NPC's being able to attack eachother) but most stuff, in the case of FFRoF, would translate nicely (not forced partys, ect)...

    Anyway, I'd be forced to kill someone for this.... Post your thoughts on how the first ORPG for DS would be like (if it was a romhack or homebrew. We all know Nintendo's never going to make a good one...)
  2. padawon1234

    padawon1234 Active Member

    An online RPG for the DS would totally and utterly ROCK. The closest thing I can think of to an RPG on the NDS would be Wyvern. I don't think anyone working with Nintendo would make an online RPG for the DS, and any attempts to make online homebrew game hacks out of other games gets shut down (like that project by a team of homebrewers to put STARCRAFT on the DS! Got shut down by Blizzard; of course...).

    Anyways, there's this game called Wyvern, which is actually pretty fun. My and my friends used to team up and go really deep into dungeons and kill uber powerful stuff together. I would heal and cast enchantments and stuff, and my other friends would fight while I kept them all alive ^.^

    Game was so fun. Well, anyways; this game was already made for some mobile devices, and the guy who made the game might be interested in the prospect; it could bring more interest in his game.

    www.cabochon.com is the website
    The maker's name is Steve Yegge, and he works for google. I would try to talk to him, but I've never seen him in game except like once, and any attempt for me to contact him through his blog or through his e-mail is complete failure. I've wanted this game on the DS for some time now, so if you can figure out how to talk to him, and get the game on the Nintendo DS, I would be happy for like - EVER. It would be the coolest thing on the DS EVER. OMG.

    Let me know how it goes anyways. Best wishes - I'll be crossin' my fingers! Wish you luck!