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I will never have a good summer ?

Discussion in 'Rants' started by [email protected], Jun 4, 2008.

  1. I hate that i have to take my exams and with this fucking rain there was no school today now i have to go the next day and being treated like crap at psp hacks website and getting baned for dumb ass staff and my parents. Do you think im having any fun does all kinds of people put up with this crap most of the time ?
  2. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    Periods in life like this come and go, it's my experience that they tend to happen more frequently the older you get. Just do your best to get through it, otherwise you'll be in for one hell of a ride for the rest of your life. Hopefully something good will happen soon to sort of balance it out, it usually seems to work that way.
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Bad language will get you nowhere my friend, are you sure you're not the kind of person who swears in each sentece they say outloud?

    Even by lessening your language you can cut the crap, have a good summer >.>

    and your so pessimistic :)