I want to know where people have bought they swap magic from cause I don't know which websites to trust. I had ordered a R4DS during the end of August and it still hasnt come from modchipstore.com. I reckon somethings going on there. Im from Australia so some country close to here would be better.
Did you get the cheap shipping? If so, that probably means it is coming to you via surface mail, which takes an insane amount of time to or from australia. From memory, anything up to 3 months is typical.
no, I used the top shipping method and something like 1 to 3 days airmail so im still waiting. Also I want to know more on this swap maigc thing. I have a few german games and japanese games but do i need to buy two different swap magic discs to play european or japanese or is there just one disc that covers all regions or something like that.
I bought my Swap Magic from Cool PC, they are based in Australia so shipping should only take up to 5 days maximum. As for your second question, there are 2 discs, one for DVD and one for CD-based games, they cover all your import and backup games. Also, in case you don't know this, you need to buy a slide tool if you have the original PS2, and a magic switch if you own the slim PS2.
ok, so everytime you want to play a back up or an imported game, you have to put in swap magic first then insert the game or is it just first time around then you dont have to keep swapping the discs.
lol sounds like something we used to do with the PS1 to play backups, You open the lid and push the button down that tells the PS the lid is closed, then turn it on and insert a gamedisk, then as soon as the PS logo has loaded you grab the disk, rip it off and throw in the backup game, flicking the disk to bring it up to speed quickly lol. Used to work quite well but it cant have been good for either the PS or the disks lol, used to have disks flying all over the place