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i think it's called Demerol....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tomoka, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    when i took my cat to the VET today....they gave her Demerol for itching... 3 hours after we get her home...she pisses in the sink...=O did it like, make her high or something?.... cuz i've seen people that were given something by a similar(maybe the same) name at the hospital for pain -.-"

    anyone here a VET to tell me if my cat's high?...
  2. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Demerol. Yes it's a painkiller and induces euphoria in some people. And animals as well.

    It will wear off after a few hours. So no need to worry.
  3. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)


    so now i'm wondering why the VET gave it to her for itching...does it like make their bodies numb? cuz he said it will stop her from scratching so her rash(s) can heal...
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Yes. Painkillers can be used for other things besides pain. Originally they were anti-tussives(anti cough)
    And some painkillers are uses as an anesthetic, thus making her numb so she won't scratch herself. They block the production of histamines and reduce itching as well. Hope it helped.
  5. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    o_O i NEED some of that! maybe if i can get my doc to prescribe it, i will finally be backpain free!!!
  6. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Mepherdine(demerol) is a schedule II here in the US. I doubt you'll get it, though I have had it, and it's weak for some, others it's uber powerful. If you do have serious back pain, ask your doc about pain management. Demerol might not work all that well for you, unless you want to go sink peeing. I use Icy Hot, and it's not too bad I must say. I was on major painkillers though(cancer) and it's not worth all the issues, I still prefer shock treatment :) :) :)
  7. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    hmmm...interesting....cuz i take 3 vicodin, 8 advil, and 12 maximum strength Tylenol every 6 hours (doctor prescribed...)
  8. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    demerol is a multifaceted drug. Its usually given with phenergen. I saw my aunt get some and she was out in like 30 seconds.
  9. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    I was on morpheine/oxycodone/hydrocodone/hydromorphene.
    Your APAP content is WAY too high. what is your acetaminophen content in your vicodin? 325/500/750/1000?
    12 max strength Tylenol every six hours?? 12x5=7000 mg's of acetaminophen plus the added Vicodin acetaminophen in it. Max adult dosage is 4000 mgs a day(24hrs). You might fry your liver at that sustained high dosage man. Be careful.
  10. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    NOt if the body is slowly acclimated to it. Though its still not good for kidneys and liver.
  11. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Not at that sustained dose Arc. You might become tolerant of it, in which case it loses it effectiveness, but it's bio-availability is hepatic in nature, he will fry his liver if he keeps that up. The ibuprofen(Advil) is an NSAID and that can cause stomach ulceration and bleeding if misused.
  12. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    OMFG.... i hate my fucking doctor... is he trying to kill me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    *thinks about calling an attorney...*

    EDIT: forgot to mention...he prescribed it yesterday, and i haven't taken the dosage *yet* LMAO....

    he wants me to wait until tuesday when he's in office incase of emergencies...so is he trying to kill me then?...
  13. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Just take your Vicodin and cut you max Tylenol down to 6. The ibuprofen is fine as is. Try to keep your daily intake of Tylenol to about 5000mgs. Six max strength Tylenol's are 3500mgs so you'll be fine man. I didn't mean to scare you. It takes years for liver damage to occur, and you have to be taking that stuff everyday. Some people drink on top of it, and of course alcohol fries the liver too. So no booze man. Best wishes for your back pain, I know all too well what you are going through. You have the strength to fight on though, so pick up your sword and let's rumble.
  14. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Well it depends there are many people who are on very high doses of opiodes and live normal lives. They do have addiction though which causes depression and dependency issuses. But their bodies slowly begin to deal with the extra amounts of drug. They do eventually have proplems with their livers though.
  15. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    WHEW! gawd....here i thought maybe the first dose would kill me... -.-" and i'm 15...with heart problems...no way in hell i'm gonna drink -.-"

    hmmm....i'd have to say i'm addicted to pain reliever -.-" but i have depression already, so what could happen -.-"
  16. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    You know this well Arc, are you battling, or know someone who is with the opiates?
    I am not prying or being nosy, but I am curious, as I have had my issues with them too.
  17. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    And whatever you do dont stop taking any of those pills at once. If your body is addicted to these you need to slowly decrease the dosages. NEver stop taking anything all at once. You could die.
  18. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

  19. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    No, I just am very knowlegable about a many things. I love to learn interesting stuff.
  20. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Re: i think it's called dimmerall...(i dunno how to spell it either...)

    Arc is correct. Ween yourself off the vicodin slowly, in other words cut your doses down as you begin to go off of them. Damn Arc, now I know either you're looking this up, or you've been down my road.

    Edit: You won't die if you suddenly stop Vicodin.
    You will just wish you were dead at times. opiate withdrawal is like the flu. You have diarrhea a lot, your body aches all over, you have cold sweats, you can't sleep, and most of all you get badly depressed. Even more than you already are.

    You have heart problems at 15. Damn kiddo, I know of a few who do. Good to see you still fighting though.