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I think i found a neogamma bug, confirmation needed

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    So today i wanted to boot up MHtri but i wanted to play it with no chips, wiiflow gave me unauthorized device , uloader got stuck after selecting single player mode, neogamma however was the most odd of the bunch, loading it via physical DVD (since i cant get the launcher to recognize my USB device like uloader or wii flow can) i disabled the ocarina but not the hooks, neogamma crashed, i re enabled the hooks but not ocarina, the loader crashed, i enabled block IOS reload and then tested wtih both hooks off and on, loader crashes, the only way to make neogamma launch the game is by having ocarina On, this wasnt happening on earlier versions.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I remember MH Tri being one of those problematic discs to run on Neogamma. I can't exactly remember the fix, but it was likely patching the IOS to 254 as well as other fixes like the 002 fix.

    You have a chip so I don't see why this is even relevant...
    Don't fix what isn't broken.
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    err no i dont have a physical chip on the wii, it's all virtual, so i cant use say gecko OS to simply boot the game avoiding the ocarina part, which is what i wanted (since what i have active is a cheat that leaves monsters at 1 HP and i finally got a very old save of mine back where i was near HR and i wanted to try a long sword for a while, but those are locked until you clear four and five star quests), anyway i wanted to check if it was a bug or not, thanks anyway
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    What else could you mean by "chip" if not a physically modded chipped console?
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    in latin america if you say hacked wii= virtual chip, i am so used to hearing it that i never bother to correct myself
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Chip and virtual chip mean two completely different things. Hence, why there's the word virtual in front of it.

    And anyway, if you can get it to launch with Ocarina on, (and have no cheats enabled on your cheat file, or just delete the cheat file altogether), then there's really no issue now is there.

    Also, you haven't provided nearly enough information for anyone to adequately solve the problem since version numbers of practically every piece of software is excluded, no description of symptoms other than crashing, (green screen, white screen, black screen, frozen wiimote intro screen, frozen Neogamma launch screen etc.), as well as the CIOS rev used, whether it is the latest one, or an older one.

    Like I said, it's probably one of the disc-end problems that you haven't solved, not necessarily the fault of Neogamma. Do that before dismissing the plethora of options in front of you.

    The simplest solution is to just eject the SD card before you hit launch.
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    (i know that i can deletle the file i just dint want too, since checking it i had a certain code that wiird never chose to upload, despite uploading pretty much every other code, it's a talisman maker code, useful in the long run)

    Very well detailed info on the issue:

    Neogamma---- Green screen, if i have the block IOS option on the screen flashes between green and green.

    CIOS i updated them about a week ago so i am running the latest CIOS 222,223, 224 and CIOS 249, 250, 251.

    Uloader---- boots, as soon as i select the single player mode the game hangs and starts making an horrible sound along with a black screen showing.

    Wiicoverflow---- the game wont boot at all via USB using CIOS 222 to 224 i can get it to load, however i get error #001 unauthorized device, trying to use the CIOS 249 to 251 makes the game impossible to load, i get the wii coverflow loading bar and it gets stuck there forever.

    Wii system menu is 4.3 U running also the latest versions avaibl of the homebrew channel and bootmii.
    Post Merge: [time]1359045006[/time]
    @Xerinna should i add a log of the IOS check tool?
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Green screen issues are usually game specific, and the easiest way to run these is through an older Neogamma, (like R7, or even R3-5, I think mine has like an orange background, and has a picture of The Hulk (the green guy, not Hulk Hogan) or something), and ejecting the game as soon as it shows the Wiimote screen, then reinserting the disc.

    I had to do this with one of the LEGO games and Ghostbusters.

    Also, there's a difference between what CIOSes you've installed like 222, 223, 249, 254, etc. and the CIOS revisions. It should say towards the bottom of the screen when running Neogamma what rev you're running. I think we're up to 21 or past that. Last one I had was 19.

    There's really no reason to run the latest revisions or CIOSes unless you're running the latest and greatest releases and only if those releases actually call for it. Otherwise, stick with what works.

    Don't upgrade unless you have to. <- the greatest piece of wisdom you'll ever get, ever.
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I am running the Dx2 revs of the CIOS iirc it was the V10 R53 for 249 to 251, same goes for the CIOS 222 i am running the latests revs of them.

    i also had to upgrade due to skyward sword giving me a bunch of issues at the time of playing it and me needing to use a neogamma versions R50 iirc with the IOS switcher.
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I think we're running into yet another issue of "Latin America problems."

    Either that, or you're over-complicating a simple process of not updating anything.
    I'm still running the exact same revision that I mentioned earlier, even with the newest (and more problematic) games, and have yet to experience so much a hiccup. How is it that I'm able to play a game like The Last Story that was, at the time I acquired it, only available in Europe and yet here I am playing it on a NTSC 4.1U Wii with now-ancient software? It's because I don't screw with things that aren't broken.

    Half of your fault is needlessly updating. The other half is believing that an update would actually fix something not specified in their release notes.

    Everything in bold is what you most likely did wrong (and it's stuff I've never heard of or needed to use for whatever reason) and that's why you're having all of these compounded issues.

    Also, Skyward Sword had a Wiimotion Plus tutorial at the beginning and so, you need to either install a certain group of CIOSes or find some sort of work-around for the tutorial, but that's entirely another topic that I will most likely not expand on.
  11. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Why'd you ask me? I never even posted here :)
    But yeah, you should.
  12. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    why, because i remember your original name aiether and you are one of the most knowledgable people on wii homebrew scene, anyway i will be posting the dump tomorrow.

    @insanecrazy07 i will be adding tomorrow the whole info on what i have and what not, pimp my wii updated a lot of stuff last time i had to re-hack (capcom banned from MH tri for uknown reasons and i dint wanted to wait 15 days to keep playing online so i formated the console to spoof the MAC adress of it and re inserted my whole game data)
  13. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the compliment bro.
    When you post the data, I'll give it a heavy look.
  14. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    sysCheck v2.1.0b13 by Double_A and R2-D2199
    ...runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).

    Region: NTSC-U
    System Menu 4.3U (v513)

    Homebrew Channel 1.0.0 running on IOS58
    Hollywood v0x11
    Console ID: 39659170
    Boot2 v4
    Found 119 titles.
    Found 50 IOS on this console. 4 of them are stub.

    IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
    IOS9 (rev 1034): Trucha Bug
    IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
    IOS11 (rev 256, Info: rev 10): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, Flash Access, NAND Access
    IOS12 (rev 526): Trucha Bug
    IOS13 (rev 1032): Trucha Bug
    IOS14 (rev 1032): Trucha Bug
    IOS15 (rev 1032): Trucha Bug
    IOS16 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, Flash Access, NAND Access
    IOS17 (rev 1032): Trucha Bug
    IOS20 (rev 256, Info: rev 12): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, Flash Access, NAND Access
    IOS21 (rev 1039): Trucha Bug
    IOS22 (rev 1294): Trucha Bug
    IOS28 (rev 1807): Trucha Bug
    IOS30 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
    IOS31 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug
    IOS33 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug
    IOS34 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug
    IOS35 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug
    IOS36 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
    IOS37 (rev 5663): Trucha Bug
    IOS38 (rev 4124): Trucha Bug
    IOS40 (rev 3072): Stub
    IOS41 (rev 3607): Trucha Bug
    IOS43 (rev 3607): Trucha Bug
    IOS45 (rev 3607): Trucha Bug
    IOS46 (rev 3607): Trucha Bug
    IOS48 (rev 4124): Trucha Bug
    IOS50 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
    IOS51 (rev 4864): Trucha Bug
    IOS52 (rev 5888): Stub
    IOS53 (rev 5663): Trucha Bug
    IOS55 (rev 5663): Trucha Bug
    IOS56 (rev 5662): Trucha Bug
    IOS57 (rev 5919): Trucha Bug
    IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
    IOS60 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
    IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
    IOS62 (rev 6430): Trucha Bug
    IOS70 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
    IOS80 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
    IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: Hermes-v55.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS222[38] (rev 65535, Info: Hermes-v55.1): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS223[37] (rev 65535, Info: Hermes-v55.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: Hermes-v55.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS236 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
    IOS249[56] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS250[57] (rev 65535, Info: d2x-v8): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS251[58] (rev 21007, Info: d2x-v7alpha5): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
    IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
    BC v6
    MIOS v10

    Report generated on 2013/01/25.

    @Xenirina @insanecrazy07 there you go the CIOS report, fixed it
  15. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    From my little understanding of synchecks, that looks normal. Have a look at the other ones on Wiihacks and compare yours to theirs.

    If you're really worried about the bug, contact the authors of Neogammer.
  16. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    the original programmer of neogamma is the same guy that updated it and he left, pretty much like the author of no$gba so trying to post in gbatemp the issue will simply get you banned.