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I seriously Don't know what to do anymore.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MasterofXD, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    Lately, Everyone in my class treats me like crap (I'am 14, firstyear =D) and I was nice to everyone, but if I didn't like anyone, I just didn't bother them or talk to them. They're absolute rude to me, they swear at me, they push me aside so they can take my seat to sit with they're friends and they take my stuff and somehow found my locker combo and keeps taking my stuff! I was thinking of telling the discliplinary principal but I remember some girl got bullied, told the teacher and now they're being even more mean to her and the discplinary principal doesn't like me because he always comes at the wrong moment (I'am playing around with my few friends, we're just bumping each other, softly punching each other jokingly) and he thinks I actually hit them and going to someone, never really worked. They have no regard for anyone's feelings and swear, hurt and damage people's reputation by spreading rumors for personal gain. I'am a very nice person, sometimes I'am a bit annoying, just a little bit but I try to be nice and be myself! I've always been bullied for some reason I don't know! It started it grade 4 because of my old best friend and it's still going, more people keep hurting me T.T! I'VE NEVER BEEN MEAN TO ANYONE WHO DIDN'T DESERVE IT! I've gone to counciling and a bit of anger management because I can't take them anymore! I sometimes cry myself to sleep because I feel so many times that everyone hates me and I'am a useless piece of crap! I would be so much better if I had some family support but I'am an only child, and it seemed like only my mom and grandfather cared, but my grandfather died, my favorite grandfather, DIED ON MY 8TH BIRTHDAY (the very first year I was bullied, when I needed my grandfather to help). My mom is always working (my dad doesn't really help, he means well, but not really helps.), and all my relatives are in the philliphines, I'am always alone (I hate being an only child). I rarely go to other's people's house execpt really good friends (that's like 2).

    I just don't know what to do anymore. Like just today some guy (locker above me) told me to move, so I moved and said sorry, and he yelled out "F---- ----- nobody likes you -------)" That's just today, and a few days ago some guy pissed me off so I told him to go away, and he said "Ooh you gonna tell on me you -------? I heard what some -guy's name here- said he beat you up and made you cry! HA LOSER" (not true, I got in the fight that guy that said he beat me up, and it ended with him pinned against the dumpster and I was hitting him over and over) I got so pissed I swore to myself that the next time I see that guy again (one that said he beat me up) that I would show him no mercy (he's always been badmouthing me and my gradeschool years absolute hell) because I couldn't take it anymore! He and my old best friend told some guys in my new high school class rumors about me so I'd get a bad start. I DIDN'T WANT ANY OF THIS. I WANTED A DECENT LIFE BUT EVERYONE HATES ME. I've never done anything to anyone, why does everyone hate me and ignore me! I just wish my life was normal, with good friends, with family to be around. BUT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS! I've helped the poor, I've donated to charity, I serve for my church, and I always help others who need it and deserve it. WHY ARE MY GOOD DEEDS CONSIDERED BEING A LOSER! WHY DOES THIS GENERATION SUCK SO MUCH! I just can't take this anymore! Even the emos seem like they have a better life then me they had one thing bad in their life, while I had this my whole life but I'am not sinking to them, but I always think of others around me and my grandfather and parents, so they would be hurt if I suicided (they count on me to take care of my cousins, which I do, I love them like my own brothers), I'am going to tough out this life I'am going to survive. I just don't know what to survive though. Friends backstabbed me, my cousins aren't near, my peers hate me, and my only friends are the older grades and some of my friends in my class.I'am never including in anything, I always see pictures on facebook of best friendsof people having a great time, while I'am at home by myself. I just don't know anymore. I know I can beat them up, but I'am in a private school and I can't get in fights or else I get expelled, and I want to have a good future. I want to care for my children once I'am older, I even have little memoirs for them to have (every single olympic coin during 2010 for example). Even worse, I have no good characteristics or talents, someone always outshines me, I'am average, I'am not smart (I felt really good when I got first honor, but I realised 50 other people did too..), I'am not athletic, I have nothing. I feel so useless here, I feel like nobody wants me here anymore.

    I know that everyone has a bad day and crap like this, but I just hate this feeling that in the morning, when my mom says "Get ready for school now" I suddenly feel like "I don't want to go anymore.." I have developed the hatred of myself and my self-esteem is so low I don't believe it'll ever come back. I don't even remember who I was before, only one little thing, and that was that I was a nice,polite kid that people were nice back too, and now... I feel like it's hell. I'am tortured everyday by different things. Sorry for the wall of text.
  2. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    I've been in the same situation, I used to be the school bully but when I mellowed out I ended up being the bullied.
    Kids at your age are fake, immature and fucking mental. You're probably better off looking for better friends, reporting this stuff and looking after yourself.

    Try to change your locker combination, make sure nobody can touch your stuff and try to avoid people like that.
    I recommend joining a club to find more friends with common interests, learning a martial art/boxing and cheering up. :}

    Things get way better in college, just try to stick it out.
  3. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    I joined 2 clubs =/ none of them really interested me.
  4. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    You could be a shut-in like I was but that'll kind of have issues in the future, it's pretty lonely too. xD
  5. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    Sadly, I don't want to be one though but nothing really ever kept my interest XD
  6. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    Well, you'll just have to try and tough it out and look for genuine friends along the way.
    A hobby helps. Ahahahahaha. :}
  7. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Do like casey haynes.
  8. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Grow a thicker skin and realize it's high school (or junior high) and it will be over with in a few years. You spend 4-6 years in Middle/Junior/High School. You spend (hopefully) 60-70 years in the real world afterward.

    I was picked on by quite a few people when I was in Junior High (7-8th grade). There are jerks everywhere. Most of them grow up eventually. Or you just avoid them. I'm not talking running and hiding if you see them in the halls, or anything like that. Just ignore them. I joined the football team my freshman year of high school and played for four years. After that people that were either mean or indifferent to me during Junior High were nicer, we were teammates on the field, and while not very close off the field they didn't pick on me. It's likely that they just matured as they grew up and stopped bullying, but being more outgoing and joining the football team helped.

    You need to get to a point where people being "rude" to you doesn't affect you. As far as thievery goes, you should report anything being stolen or vandalized. If you are afraid that they will make fun you of more because you report theft, then they win. There is a difference between simply being rude, making fun of someone, etc. and someone physically hurting you or stealing/damaging stuff that belongs to you.
  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    After reading the first lines, I have to say. Join my club. Know that RUDE people can't watch themselfs straight in the mirror. You can because you are honest and nice to everybody.
    Also imagne them with their rude answers at a job, they will get fired very very quickly.
    And if they can't comfront you on their own... that is just sick.

    You know, I was a victim of bullying myself and sometimes you need to stop paying attention to them. You play one of my dirty tricks. If they do mean, you ignore them and walk away. If they ask you something nice, respond. Yes, like you would train a dog....

    Try to look for real friends. Really, go play soccer or play some tennis. Anything where you can get your stress gone....

    That is all for now
  11. karlsanada10

    karlsanada10 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I never thought I would find someone with the same fate as me, I'm a filipino.. It started when you were grade 4. Mine started when I was in kindergarten, getting bullied. but the worse was last year when I was 1st year(just like you), they took my things, hit me with books, it ruined my life, now even my friends tease me, I don't give a f**k about my school now even it's a Christian school. Good thing I have a girlfriend, so she and my bestfriend which is a college now are the only people I consider as friends, but they're too far, my girlfriend and I aren't studying at the same school. I'm also nice, a child of God, but I swear at times, I just can't stop swearing. And this is why I develop self-pity. I blame myself for being a fail, I always say I'm a FAILURE when I did something wrong. I can't do things that I supposed to do easily.

    They tease me as a gay for some reason I don't know. Then the whole class starts teasing me, and now, the whole school. I'm always sad whenever I think about it, when I was a first year, it was my darkest year, then my girlfriend came just this school year, she gave light to me.

    Okay...haha. So choose your friends wisely, I read it somewhere in the Bible, I think it is Psalms that you should not walk with the fools/bullies. Don't join them,seriously. It won't change anything. Being desperate won't do something either. Just ignore them. Or pull a prank(joke) Just pray to God, I did this before and it worked...in a day. then back to normal.:x
  12. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Dude, I was also bullied and LOATHED it. Yeah, I'm a Ginger, but even before that whole "fad" started. Now, I'm not really bullied very much, but there are still some major PITFA (Pain In The F***ing A**) people at my school that decide it's fun to be an ass to me at just about any chance they can get. I just do my best to ignore them, no matter how much of an a**hole they are to me.

    As for not really having any hobbies, why not try the ancient art of origami? I've been doing it, it helps get out my rage, and I sell it sometimes, which can put a LOT of money in my pocket! I once was really crappy at origami, but now I've just ignored the a**holes, and got better. That's sorta what this paragraph is, just find a way and channel your anger. If you just do your hobby instead of let them get to you, not only will you have a new hobby, but it won't be fun for them anymore to be a**es to you! Plus, depending on your hobby, you can sell it and make money!!

    I'm just trying ta say: instead of focusing on them, find a hobby or something of that type, and just focus your emotions on your newly discovered hobby. When you do that, you'll be surprised at what can happen!!

    Keep your chin up! You'll make it!!
  13. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    try living in georgia EVERYONE DOWN HERE IS MENTAL except a few
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    georgia the US state or georgia the country?
  15. karlsanada10

    karlsanada10 Well-Known Member

    THIS...or find a girlfriend.:D
  16. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    the US State
  17. karlsanada10

    karlsanada10 Well-Known Member

    I guess we live on a sh*tty generation, and next generation could be worse.-.-
  18. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    were freaking degrading to cavemen now.... and hobos
  19. dorkdude2

    dorkdude2 Member

    completely ignore them, don't even acknowledge their existence, they will eventually get bored of you and leave you alone.(this is what I eventually did in the later years of high school, chatting with the campus officers(not just the rent-a-cops either, the real ones to) and being friendly with all the teachers and higher probably helped to :)

    if they don't ignore you, suddenly react and break some of their bones and scare the living daylights out of them.
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I just used to say fuck you and ignore them.
    You could beat the shit out of them.