I got my 3DS just recently and I'm most excited and loving it what with Dead or Alive Dimensions and Zelda Ocarina of time 3D as my two games.I'm wanting something more and that's just to play GBA Games on my 3DS.I really have no intention of using a flashcart to pirate NDS games I just want to play GBA games on my 3DS. So I ask which one would be the better choice Super Card DSTwo or Iplayer?And where can I find pre patched flashcarts to work with the latest firmware update of the 3DS since well I don't know anyone with a Dslite and below?
iplayer cannot play roms, so that would prevent you trying out homebrews as well if it ever takes your fancy.
Weird I heard that I player is the slot 1 GBA player ??? Then Super Card DS Two it is.Another question know where to find Super Card DS Twos that are pre patched for the latest system update on the 3DS?And should I really worry about the whole Nintendo will brick your systems thing?
I've been running my Super Card DSTwo on my 3DS just fine, I'm pretty sure that there has been no reported cases of anything bricking the 3DS, I even accidentally tried using the DSTwo prior to patching it to run on 3DS, and all I got was an error, so no need to worry about that. Anyways, the DSTwo is great, just google search something like "Buy DSTwo online" and you should find it easily. And about buying them pre patched; why would it need to be? Its incredibly easy to update the DSTwo, or do you not have another DS on hand to patch it with?
The DSTwo doesn't require another DS to update. Anybody who owns a DSTwo should know this pretty damn well. The updates are embedded in the kernel. The DSTwo GBA player also outdoes the the iPlayer GBA player (and I don't believe the iPlayer is updated for the 3DS anyways). The DSTwo GBA emulator is just built upon the basic one featured with the iPlayer, thus, increased compatibility and run speed. The iPlayer is basically a huge waste of cash. You shouldn't bother unless you're a collector. Pick up a DSTwo. I recommend www.lightake.com
I dunno, I put the shit on the card, tried running it on my 3DS, and it wouldn't work, so I put it in my sisters DS and used that to update it.
Lightake appears to be down. Regardless, the DSTwo has a built in CPU, it is supposed to just be able to detect the update once the system powers on and update the firmware of the DSTwo without booting the actual DSTwo.