I'm thinking of buying one. What do the people think? Its mainly to make up for my other i pod being stolen .
its a ridiculously expensive piece of junk. My nokia can do virtually everything the iphone can, and it didn't cost anywhere near as much. Add my iPaq into the equation and I've got a lot more functionality at a fraction of the price. If you get a newish iPaq then you'd be a lot better off, as they can make phone calls these days.
it's not an Apple product, its made by HP and has been around for years. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipaq. To give you some idea of how old mine is, it is a H5400 series.
I'm obligated to post this link. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=iphone I think this should cover everything nicely.
It's funny how people are have mentality that everything Apple is junk, from what I've seen so far an iPhone seem to be nice.
iphones and ipods are junk, their computers are good, although its a shame they switched to intel processors.
hmm then what should i get. Ok I don't want to spend more then £100 on Mp3 or mp4. What could i get?
I have a nokia 6131 that im very happy with, cost me £146 including a leather case and microSD card
eh...i like my Sanyo Katana over the iPhone. it doesnt have video or mp3 support, but, it makes one hell of a portable piracy database
The Apple iPhone is over-hyped and over-priced. It can't do basic things, like take videos and stuff.
Phones with camera's was too much for me. I want my phone to make phone calls and thats it. I have a camera to take photos not my phone I have a laptop to browse the internet not my phone I have an MP3 player that i listen to music with... ...and they all do it better then the iPhone imo. So unless you want one device that is medicore in all the fields above to save space, i wouldn't bother. I'm too broke to afford one anyway It's funny someone posted the Maddox article on it, thats all i think of when anyone mentions the iPhone, it is a pretty could summary.
Hear hear. I have a camera phone because my non-camera phone (nokia 3510i) packed up and you can't get anything but camera phones these days.
haha yeah exactely what happened with mine - call me stubborn but i held ontomy nokia phone cant remember the model, but it was like the first gameboy, grey pixel screen address book and phone + alarm thats it. My phone company stopped supporting the network it was designed on, had to go digital, so i ended up with a phone with a camera. I've had it for 2yrs and still havent found the need to use it. My digital camera is so much better. Another annoying thing with the spread of camera phones is all the grainy shitty photos they take aswell as videos. Crappy phone videos litter youtube and the like. SAVE US. lol
^ my W950i doesnt have a camera, it was pretty much built for music, 4GB internal and really good sound, puts out a better sound than my old nano thats for sure.
I had one of those 'do everything' phones for a short period, the manufacturers had concentrated so much on making it the only device you'd ever need that it was absolute crap at making phone calls or sending texts.
But dude... Its by apple! Just kidding. There are better phones out there, that get better service, and can do almost everything an iPhne can do.