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I need tips. please help me

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ian13456, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    How can i reduce my gaming addiction?
    Yeah I just need to reduce it.
    I'm graduating now and I need to be serious from now on.
    I need to regain the 3rd third position  that I lost because of discovering cool games.
    Now my grammar sucks because instead of listening to my teacher I play my psp secretly(luckily I wasn't caught yet).
    I'm going to high school now and I'm graduating without a medal :'(.
    Please help me any tip can do.

    (oh Is this the correct thread?)

    And finally Sorry if my grammar sucks so hard.

    Edit* My real age is 11 years old I'm not 19 years old I'm just afraid that the age limit is 18 years old so sorry.
  2. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Make your parents ground you ;)
    Trust me it works, I go insane when I get grounded from my games and my computer, I can't live without 'em.
    But after about 3 or 4 days I learn that there are other things to do, and they're quite fun!
    I lasted 10 days before I begged my Mum to at least let me back on my computer though xD
    Still.. 10 days is a looooong time for me, I used to not be able to last more then an hour :p
  3. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    set limits. my parents make it so that (it's still going) i can't play on the computer or any consoles on a weekday. only the weekend, and limit my time on them. it's a bit... annoying after a while but it's worth it.
  4. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    My parents used to ground me from everything if I didn't have a 4 point every half of a semester, and I was ungrounded when I reobtained my 4 point average =/

    Other than just stopping, make some new friends, find some new hobbies.
  5. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Don't bring your PSP to school.
  6. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Don't stress, school doesn't actually matter until you get to college. Even if you catastrophically fail everything, you can rot in adult school for a few years before you catch up with everyone else, or you can be smart and just home study for a semester and graduate early. The grand thing about home studies is they set it aside for dumbass people who somehow fail out of highschool to try and catch up- they don't tell you anyone can do it. The lowered expectations means that anyone with reasonable intelligence can blow through the curriculum pretty quickly. I skipped my entire Senior year, and instead of going to college early (like my parents assumed I would) I just partied and enjoyed myself.

    No offense to people who legitimately fail out of highschool though. Most of the people I knew who failed out of highschool were idiots who just didn't give a damn about school cuz they were toooo cool and tuff. Then they ended up cooking my fried and burritos for me, and became a burden on me because I had to pay taxes to pay in part for their adult school. Jerks. Seriously, people thought it was cool to be a complete idiot when it came to anything, and the more F's you got the cooler you were. Oh yea, and they liked breaking stuff.

    I'm a bad example, really, don't listen to anything I say. Was that as off a tangent reply as you hoped for?
  7. suzuka166

    suzuka166 Member

    ....you know for me study is a very simple responsibility because eventhought that you are not listening to the teacher if you are genius you are genius...i think you should not stop playing nor use your games in your studies. and the important is use your commonsense to past your subjects and have a medal... that's id only my opinion because when i was in elementary i used to play gba in the whole time of class but nothing happened. its because i used internet to understand the lessons that i ignore^_^ it depends to you on how you manage your life in school.
  8. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    enjoy life you only live once is my tip
  9. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    haha get friends and dont sit around all day? haha i used to play alot then i graduated highschool now im out pretty muchh all the time. and while in college classes i just do this like read post on here ahahah
  10. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    i'm 13 and what my parents do and are still doing, is that if i don't get a gold medal in the end of the year, they sell whatever gaming stuff i have. when i was 11 i had a gameboy advanced sp and i only got a silver medal, they totally sold it. :(( haha.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Isn't that a bit harsh?

    But then again, maybe you're such an over achiever yourself anyway :)
  12. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    My mom used to take my cable modem to work every day, and only return it when she came back home and I finished all my homework.

    But really, if I had a laptop then, I could've just walked to the other side of the house and connected to that factory-setting unsecured wireless "linksys" network. ::)