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I need some help at getting the AC/DC Rock Band song pack.

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by TerrificFalcon, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. Okay, I assume some of you guys on this board are the helpfull type, and I need some help. I'm from Europe, and actually, I just want the songs, and not the pack...

    Well, the problem is, I can't get it, due to being in Europe, and no, I'm not gonna wait for the release date over here, :p.

    So, well, I want one of you to go to Wal-mart for me (only place where they sell the pack), open up one of the boxes (two, if possible), and scribble down the code listed on the back of the manual. If that's just impossible, you could just ask one of the store clerks for a manual for the game, and then scribble down/remember the code.

    If any of you get one of those codes (preferably two, so one of my friends can have one as well), I would be really damn glad. And remember, it doesn't cost you anything.

    Oh, and if you get the code(s), just send them to my e-mail ([email protected]) or as a PM here on the site - and well, thanks in advance, to everyone who even considered trying.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You need the code to download the verification key so you can copy the songs directly from the disc. They don't host the songs online, sorry but the code is useless to you.

    Also, I condone piracy and all I do it. But doing this directly affects another consumer (you can only use the code ONCE), so when someone buys that copy and uses the code, he won't be able to copy the songs from his disc.

    AND PLUS the games are behind glass and locked and you can't open the game case without buying it.