I've been looking around the internet, found some very interesting freeware platformers which I've really enjoyed playing (IJI and I Wanna Be the Guy). Anyway getting to the point, I've played a lot of platformer games in my time, the RPG element Castlevanias are by far my favourites (Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, Order of Ecclesia & Symphony of the Night). I just recently realised that I really enjoy playing difficult platformers that are constantly trying to piss you off, while Castlevania doesn't do it often, it does do it at some points. Anyway getting further to the point, can anyone recommend me a 2D platformer that is 1. Difficult, and not difficult because the game is designed bad, difficult as in IWBTG 2. Possibly with RPG elements, optional but it helps, and 3. Either Freeware, for the DS, PSP, PSX, PS2, DC, Any retro console. So yeah...
mega man x 1 and 2. good games. if you want platformer thats difficult super ghouls n' ghosts. not the best, but very hard.