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I love my father right now (A story about basketball and instant rage)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by personuser, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    So, me and pop were shooting basketball (something we've only done TWICE this year due to dad breaking a hand at work and that I do not particularly enjoy) and we were throwing it at the backboard. He's having fun, we're takling about all the people dad hates, etc. and I end up to be the one that knocks a piece of Plexiglas off of the backboard. All of a sudden, dad goes from being happy to what I can only describe as "instant rage". He threatens to relieve me of all electronics, wipe my hard drive and send me back to public school if I do not buy a new backboard. Obviously I will never play basketball on it again because I know if it breaks again he'll go one-winged angel on my ass, and he agreed to that.

    So, the question being, what's the absolute cheapest backboard I can buy for a normal-size net and where can I get it at? (preferably in a store cos of shipping+handling)
  2. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    ouch...your dad's EVIL! but any sporting goods store should have them...there's a store in Ohio,USA called dickies sports, they got them pretty cheap..
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Skip the sporting goods store dude. I've been a jock almost my whole life, mainly cause I was a big fella.

    Sporting goods stores backboards even dirt cheap are around 225.00$-USD

    Try Ebay or Amazon. I'll look around for you as well, do you need a fan shape backboard or a rectangle one?
  4. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Haha you dad sounds like a nice guy
  5. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Rectangle one, thx.

    EDIT: This was the cheapest I saw on amazon.

  6. dedboy

    dedboy Guest


    The above link leads to a decent one on Amazon

    http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=3396691 - That one leads to the main page for the boards.
  7. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Hmm...wonder if he'd notice the difference for this one?


    I made a joke, but I'm freaking dying over here. Ha ha....haaa.....
  8. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    I don't know the circumstance behind his blown gasket. But I do hope he can find someway better to regain his composure. You're quite the intelligent one, and I have no clue as to why he went off.
    Sometimes we hold things in for too long, and one small incident can be the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

    I will check some other sites before I turn in. If this all gets straightened out, PM me and let me know it's all good.

    I could use some good news now a days.
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Well, like I said, he broke his hand at work bending 1 inch pipes and that pretty much wasted his WHOLE summer; he couldn't even play piano. He's been screwed with for quite a while (52, unemployed for 3 yrs with a bachelor's in science and art, breaks his hand on the first week of new job and loses all benefits, etc.) Plus other things (E.G. seeing video games and/or anime makes him explode, even if it's during the weekends or if I get my school done early.)

    It seems things have settled though. I agreed to buy him the backboard, we watched a spanish B-movie then the new fox comedies, and he's cool, for now.

    When he has a "rage moment" he tends to throw in every punishment possible, at least this time I found a solution quickly.

    Some of the uglier explosions were when he found me playing video games for two hours on a saturday (and stole my DS for a month) and saw me watching anime for 2 hours after school (forbid watching anime for a month). These wrer stress eruptions and normally he has no problem with such things.

    Triggers, man. There's a lot of em for him cause it seems life gives him the finger every 5 seconds cause he's old, male, white and trying to be a teacher.

    He's a barber too, so he might start going Sweeney Todd on the asses of those he hates if he gets raged enough one day.
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Holy fuck. Your dad is an asshole. Gently tell your mum that your dad should see a fucking therapist.
  11. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    tell the police he's been on drugs
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The hell are you talking about Seph?

    I think his Dad is in the right, you got what you deserved, replace the damn thing or face the consequences of your actions.
  13. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Mum's mentally insane...no, I'm not kidding. She disfigures herself and rips skin off of her face, but she's been recovering a bit. I'm pretty screwed IRL.

    It's not that I shouldn't and won't replace it, it's just that he erupts over small things. A LOT. He could have said "replace it or I'll take your games" but no he would have had to take my games, wipe my HDs and send me back to public school (which is f*cking hell for a nerd like me). School has NO relation to exercise I didn't honestly wanna do in the first place, in fact yesterday I did two days' worth of work and got As on every assignment.
  14. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    it's an ACCIDENT. he doesn't deserve it if he didn't do it intentionally. but if he just ran up there and tore down the backboard by hand then he needs to replace it. simple as that. any kind of parent who gets angry at an ACCIDENT is a really bad parent. how about you make a poll, let us vote and let your dad see if he really is being bad :p
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    So you've never loved him before?
  16. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    It's not that I don't love him. It's just that during what I call "eruptions" he's just not someone you want to be around. He's got tons of stress sometimes. One time we were playing tennis, I was a little rusty, so all of a sudden he got pissed, drove me home and told me that "If I couldn't play I could just get fat and DIE", which is REALLY rare for him to say. This was also the day he lost another job, so yeah. It doesn't help that I live with only dad either. Otherwise he's pretty cool. He really wants me to do well in school, sing, act, etc.

    Or in my case, has lots of stress.
  17. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    does he have eruptions often? oh and tip: always remove your history of romulation once in a while. if he see's you talking about how bad he is, you're dead
  18. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Not really often, but when he does they suck.

    I.m not stupid, my browsing is ALWAYS private. I keep no history and no cookies.

    Most of the time when he's not exploding he's talking about the people he hates, making comics or doubling my schoolwork cause "I'm not learning enough at my school". We have fun though. He sorta cares about me to a fault, if ya know what I mean.
  19. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Personuser, this isn't about them anymore man. You need to fight on, and forge something out of nothing. Look at it this way, if you've survived this long, then however small the chance is, you still have one. I won't judge the man, due to know knowing him one iota in reality, what I say is just based on your responses.
    Some of us have those pesky chemical imbalances, and I don't know how he himself was raised.
    Best bet is to learn from the good and in your case bad situations. If the day comes where you're a father, are you going to be like your dad?
  20. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    umm this may sound wierd but if you have the piece use a ladder and glue also public schools arent so bad so that really isnt a threat